#Bonus Chapter - Part 2

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So, here I was, during the last month of my pregnancy and my hormones had gone wild. It was another usual morning and I had just woken up. I had been staring at my huge tummy for a good half an hour, before Elijah came in.

"Are you up, my love?" He said, while wearing the coat of his impeccable suit.

"Do you see me standing?" I asked bitterly. He just smiled at my reply.

"I'm sorry, I'm grumpy." I said after a few moments of silence.

"It's ok, my love." He replied, sitting next to me and kissing my forehead, before starting to stroke my tummy.

"I cannot even see my legs..." I complained, at which point, Elijah laughed again. "What?" I asked, more abruptly than I should. But, I knew he didn't mind. He didn't mind anything I said lately. I was not in a very good shape, especially with my emotions being all over the place.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He said kissing my lips slowly.

I had missed him so much in a certain department, I must say, but he didn't want to risk hurting me or the child. No matter how hard I tried I was not able to change his mind. I deepened the kiss and moved closer to him, but my huge tummy prevented me from getting any closer. Elijah pooled away slowly.

"My love, I think we have discussed this..."

"We did, but-"

"There is no buts. I'm not touching you again, until you give birth." I rolled my eyes and I was about to reply something bitter again, but the doorbell prevented me from doing so. "It must be Hayley." Elijah said and stood up to answer the door. I groaned. How long was until I gave birth? I sat up slowly, something that became harder and harder to do every day.

"Good morning, Cassandra!" Hayley said excitedly entering our bedroom.

"Good morning." I replied clearly less excitedly. Hayley looked after me for the past three months, when Elijah was away. He was too afraid to leave me alone, so he asked her to stay with me. She knew better than anyone what a pregnant woman needed and I must admit she was a great help. She understood what I was going through. Of course, everything belonged to the past. Now Hayley and I were very good friends and for Elijah, Hayley was just the mother of his niece. We had all decided to make a new start.

"What again?" She asked sitting at the end of the bed.

"I cannot see my legs..." I groaned.

"I know. It bugged me too. But, don't worry. You'll give birth and you will be able to see your legs again." She replied with a smile.

"I hope so..."

"My love, I'm leaving now. I'll see you later, ok?" Elijah said entering the bedroom.

"Of course." I replied and he gave me a soft kiss on the lips, before leaving.

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"Honestly, I want to eat everything that is made out of chocolate." I replied and we both laughed.

"You should really reduce the amount of chocolate you consume. Too much sugar could hurt the baby." I nodded.

"You are right."

"How about a fruit salad?"

"That will do." I said and attempted to stand up. Hayley came by my side in seconds.

"Come on, let me help you." I sighed.

"I cannot even stand up on my own. Perfect." She smiled.

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