Chapter 51

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Elena's P.O.V.

I was waiting for Elijah to wake up. It had passed a long time, since I pulled the dagger out. He was the only choice I had to save my loved ones. I didn't want any of them to get hurt. I was wondering how Cassie would react to that. I'm sure she would have felt something. She was sharing a bond with Elijah that I couldn't really understand. Plus, I was sure Elijah would do everything he could to protect her. I knew she would be safe.

Elijah moved, which caused me to jump. I went by his side.

"Katerina..." He whispered facing me, before he passed out again.

Suddenly, his body was flipped around. A sound of cracking echoed, as Elijah was coming back to life. He stood up on his feet.

"I can't... I can't breathe..." He said in difficulty. "I can't... be in this house." He continued as he crashed on a wall.

"You are not invited in..." I realized.

He crashed another wall in his attempt to get out, when he disappeared. I ran upstairs, to see him out of the house kneeling on the floor. He attempted to attach me, but he was stopped by the invisible wall, protecting me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Shhhh!" I immediately said, showing him not to speak. I pointed my ear and then upstairs to prove my point. "I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" I asked him.

"Can I trust you?" He returned my question. Instead of answering, I handed him the dagger. He took it, believing me.


I didn't know how I managed to persuade Stefan to give me and Elijah some time alone. He sounded really worried, when he called, but I was sure he would respect me decision. The only thing I was worried about was Damon's reaction. But, I wasn't prepared to what would follow. When I was about to hand my phone to Elijah, as he requested, it rang again.

"Answer it." He said.

It was Cassie. I hesitated a bit before answering the call. I was about to talk, but Cassie cut me off.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??????" She yelled furious.

Elijah's head snapped at my direction, for a moment and then he turned again staring outside the window.

"Hold on Cassie! What do you mean?" I said taking a quick glance at Elijah. He pretended not to pay attention to the conversation, but I was sure he would hear every word of it.

"WHAT DO I MEAN??????" She yelled again. "WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING TO TELL ME ABOUT KLAUS BEING IN MYSTIC FALLS?????" She continued in the same tone.

"How do you know about it?"

"HOW YOU THINK?????????" I gasped realizing what she meant.

"You saw a vision." I stated. "What did you see?"


"How do you know about this?" I was now more astonished.

"HOW YOU THINK??? I saw yesterday a vision and when I tried to contact with you, YOU WERE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!!!!!!!"

"Look, Cassie, I was trying to protect you. If you knew about Klaus's presence in Mystic Falls, I was afraid you would return."


"What???? No, no, no!!! You can't come back."

"REALLY??? WHY???" It was obvious she was very pissed off. Elijah's head snapped at my direction.

"No..." He murmured at her words.

"It's for the best. I don't want Klaus to know about you."


"Yeah, look Cassie I have to tell you something else."


"I pulled the dagger out of Elijah's chest." She paused for a minute. When she talked again, her tone was gentler.

"I know."

"You mean you-"

"Don't you dare say another word." She said calmly.

"See you soon." Was all she said before hanging up.

"What was that for?" Elijah asked confused. I shrugged not knowing what to answer.

Cassie's P.O.V.

He was awake again... Elijah was awake... I couldn't forget the feeling of relief in my heart yesterday, when Elena pulled the dagger out. As much as I hated to admit it, I felt kind of happy about it. Not for me, but for HIM. I had just boarded on a bus, heading back to Mystic Falls, as Alexander had still some things to arrange.


"Are you sure, you don't want me to come with you?" Alexander asked me for the thousandth time, really worried. He had freaked out a bit, after the vision I saw earlier. And you know what happens, when I see a vision while I'm awake.

"Yes, Alexander, I'm sure. I'll be ok, don't worry." I said continuing packing my stuff.

"But..." He sighed.

"There is no way to change your mind, is there?" He asked surrendering.

"I'm afraid not."

"I still believe you should reconsider it."

"That would be the easiest thing to do."

"So why don't you do it?"

"Because things are not always easy." He sighed.

"Ok, if you think so..."

Suddenly, I felt a relief in my chest. Like something unpleasant was removed. I gasped touching my chest.

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked.

But, he immediately understood. And so did I. Someone had pulled the dagger out of Elijah's heart.

He will be awake soon... was the only thing I thought.

"If it seemed impossible to stop you earlier, now it's indeed impossible. Do you want a ride?"

"It's ok, I'll take the bus."


"You have still some arrangements here. It wouldn't be wise to abandon everything. I will be safe." I reassured him. He stared down at me, which seemed to last forever.

"I'm sure he will keep you safe." He said, before exiting the room.

End of Flashback

I knew this whole situation was hard for Alexander. And really awkward for me. I loved him like my brother and my friend, but his feelings weren't the same. It really hurt me hurting him, but I couldn't do anything to change that. I would if I could. Because the stupid fate decided I should be with a vampire... I would rather be with someone like Alexander. With a human... Why me? Why should be the one to fall for a vampire? And especially this particular vampire... The worst thing is that I could finally admit I couldn't ignore my feelings... I should hide them to the deepest and darkest part of my heart. Yes! That's what I should do!

But, how will I manage it with him being around?

Author's Note: So, this is it... I was planning on putting the chapter up earlier, but as I said we had our house painted today and everything around me it's a total mess!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and until next time I wish you all the best my dear readers!!!! :-)

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