Chapter 40

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Drin... Drin... Drin...

The annoying sound of a cell phone woke me up.

Was that necessary? I thought.

Complaints were heard and then a sound of somebody falling from the bed. Then another cell phone sound was heard. And I was the next one to fall from the bed, as it was mine.

"Hello?" I answered without seeing who was calling, once I was out of the room.

"Hello, Cassie. How are you? I hope I didn't wake you up." Jenna said.

"No, no. I was already awake. Is something wrong?" I replied holding back a yawn.

"No. I just called to invite you to the tea party of the Historical Society. I forgot to tell you yesterday."

"Tea party?" I asked confused.

"Yes, it's for the writer that has come to town for research."

"What was his name again?"

"Elijah Smith."

"Smith?" I almost choked.

"Yes. Will you come?"

"I'll do my best."

"Ok, Cassie. Thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too." I said and hung up.

Smith? That's ridiculous. I thought. It seems that I would have a thrilling day.

Later that day, I was prepared for an extremely boring morning

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Later that day, I was prepared for an extremely boring morning. What's so interesting about a tea party? And imagine I hated tea. I would only drink it whenever I was ill. That's why I hate it so much. I took a deep breath and stepped inside the Lockwood Mansion.

Elijah's P.O.V.

I sensed her get inside the Mansion. I didn't see her. I didn't smell her. I didn't hear her. I felt her. A warm feeling spreaded in my chest and my heart started beating a little faster. I knew it was her. I knew she was somewhere near me.

I wanted so badly to see her beautiful eyes, to touch her beautiful hair, to hear her beautiful voice, to smell her, to sense her heartbeat. But, no. I wouldn't scare her even more. If she wanted to talk to me, she would come herself. Her appearance had distracted me and I tried my best to show that I was paying attention to what Carol Lockwood was saying.

Cassie's P.O.V.

I was wandering around, bored from the minute I got in. The classical music, the smell of tea, the waiters dressed in awful grey dresses.... That was definitely not for me. I was about to turn around and leave and then find an excuse for Jena, something like I had a headache or I was hit by a car, but Ms. Lockwood saw me and called me to join her and her companion.

I was with my back to them, but I knew with whom she was talking. "Damn it..." I said not loud enough for Ms. Lockwood to hear, but loud enough for Elijah. I turned around and plastered a fake smile on my face.

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