Chapter 68

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I arrived at the party totally upset. I couldn't take my mind off Elijah's reflection in the mirror. It was a miracle that I didn't crash on my way here. Elena was outside the house with Damon and Alaric. She seemed upset. However, she couldn't beat me to that.

"Hello!" I greeted approaching them.

"Happy Birthday!" I exclaimed hugging Elena. "Drink? Good." I said once I saw Damon holding a glass of whisky and without hesitation, I grabbed it, drank all the whisky and handed it back to Damon, who was looking at me like I had come from Mars.

"Wow. Hold on. What happened to you?" Elena asked me worried.

"Why are you saying that?" I played it innocent.

"You never drink. Something serious must have happened."

"It seems a pretty good occasion for me to drink. Now, if you excuse me, I have a party to attend." I said grabbing the whole bottle from Damon's hand and taking a big sip. "Have a great time!" I said before entering the house.

I think I heard Elena saying something about worrying about me and Jeremy, I didn't pay much attention anyways. The only thing I wanted was to get drunk in order to forget my previous experience.

Inside I came across Caroline drinking from a bottle too and following her glare I realized the reason. She was staring at Tyler dancing with Sophie.

"I almost believed you earlier, you know. That you are not jealous. Good try."

"Cassie? What are you doing? Why are you drinking?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"It's not that you drink every day. And if you have changed your mind, you shouldn't be starting with the strong stuff." I shrugged walking away. The last thing I need right now was another lecture.

Soon, I run out of whisky so I had to find something else to drink. I found some beer, although it couldn't be compared with whisky. I was dancing and drinking all night, without caring about my behaviour. Most people in the house were unknown to me, so I didn't care being careful about my actions. However, even at this condition, I didn't do something extremely extreme, if you get me. My head had started aching for quite a while, but I didn't care. I just wanted to forget.

"Hey." I heard someone behind. Turning around, I almost fell because of the dizziness. "Hey. Stand up, stand up." Alaric said catching me.

"Why is everything spinning?" I asked.

"Maybe because you have drunk too much."

"How could you have thought something like this for me?"

"I see it. Come on, let's go somewhere for you to get rest." He said dragging me along with him, despite my complaints.

I don't remember how we got to Stefan's room and how I found myself lying on his bed. I was too tired to perceive anything. The ache in my head had started to worsen but I still hadn't realized what was coming. Suddenly, everything went black and the familiar but horrible sensation of drifting away dominated me. I was in a dark room. It seemed familiar but I couldn't tell why. Only when a huge spotlight was turned on, I realized where I was. I was at the TV studio. And the woman standing in front of the spotlight was Andy. I had started getting worried. What was that now?
I approached her trying to find out what she had to do with the whole situation. She was just staring blindly at the spotlight, pleading the one who turned it on to stop playing games with her. Eventually, not standing the brightness of the light turned around and along with her I turned too, only to face an emotionless Stefan. I froze. I had never seen Stefan like this. He seemed so furious and emotionless and... It wasn't the Stefan I had met. "Stefan, thank God! What are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you!" Andy exclaimed in relief. However, I didn't feel relieved at all. I felt threatened, although there was no imminent threat, for me at least. Stefan didn't respond to Andy and that made it even worse.

Suddenly, Stefan's eyes started to get red and I knew exactly what was coming next, so I closed my eyes not wanting to see what would happen next. I heard Andy scream and along with her I screamed too. I only opened them when I heard the door being opened. It was Damon. He had come for Andy. Or Stefan made him come here. Seeing her bag dropped on the floor, he must have realized something was wrong, but I assume his suspicions were confirmed when he saw Stefan.

"Hello, brother." He greeted him in return asking to stop following him, because this caused him problems.

And Damon, being Damon, found the chance to make an ironic comment on Stefan and Klaus's 'relationship'. However, Stefan reminded him again he wished to be left alone. Something was horribly wrong with this conversation. Something didn't fit in. The conversation went on in the meantime.

"See, the thing is, I don't need any saving. I just want you to let me go." Stefan said.

"Well, you know, I have a birthday girl home who is not going to let me do that." Damon replied. Stefan nodded and that made me think he was moving on to plan B.

"You know, maybe I haven't made my point. Andy, are you still there?" He called raising his head.

"Andy?" Damon questioned confused. Horrified, I raised my head to see Andy standing on the edge of a ladder.

"Damon." She called.

"Damon, I can't move. He told me I can't move." She said even more frightened. Now, I knew how this was going to end.

"No, no, it's ok Andy. Stay calm." Damon tried to calm her down. "Not cool brother." He said turning to Stefan.

"Oh, come on. A little bit cool?" He replied, like it was a game to him. "Hey, Andy, you can move now." Andy closed her eyes knowing this was her end and jumped. For the second time, I closed my eyes not wanting to see what would follow.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed hearing the sound of something hitting the floor. Or someone in this case. Then, I felt myself drifted back to reality.

I don't know how long had I being lying in Stefan's bed. If it had been hours, days, weeks... I couldn't tell. I was frozen. Out of the blue, I heard noises. Someone was in the room breaking everything it was in it. It wasn't much difficult to guess who it was.

"Damon?" I called.

Damon's P.O.V.

I heard a weak voice calling my name. Turning around I saw fortune teller lying in my brother's bed. I hadn't realized she was here too.

"How long have you been here?"

"More than you have." She replied weakly.

"Well, that's what happens when you drink my whisky-"

"Damon." She cut me off.

"What?" I waited for her to answer.

"I'm sorry for Andy." I froze. She had seen the whole scene, that's why she was at this terrible condition.


"It's going to be ok." She whispered.

"I said sleep." I hadn't even managed to finish when I heard her soft snoring. I covered her with a blanket and exited the room.

It's going to be ok...

Author's Note: Just a filler, but wait and the best part is yet to come!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!! :D

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