Chapter 25

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A few minutes after Mason had left I was wandering around trying to take in what I've heard. But, what caught my attention the most was a small light coming from the parking lot. What the hell is that? I asked myself. Coming closer I realized that wasn't just a simple light. It was a fire that was touched off by Bonnie. The fire spreaded across the road and reached a lying body. In horror, I realized it was Damon. She wanted to burn him alive! Not that I blamed her but... That wasn't Bonnie.

"Bonnie, Bonnie, stop!" Elena was yelling, but she didn't listen. I came closer.

"Bonnie, please stop, he doesn't worth it." I said calmly going by Elena's side. Then, we heard Damon's yelling, as the fire had reached him.

"Bonnie, stop, you will kill him!" Elena continued yelling. I couldn't say anything. I was shocked. My friend Bonnie having so much power that enabled her to kill someone.

"Bonnie!!!" Elena yelled again, but this time she decided to do something. So, she jumped above the fire and reached Bonnie on the other side.

She started shaking her which caused Bonnie to lose her concentration and the fire was put out eventually.

"Why did you stop me?" Bonnie asked Elena looking really pissed off.

"Because this isn't us. Bonnie, this can't be us." And then Bonnie burst into tears in Elena's arms. They both walked away, while Damon was struggling to stand back on his feet, after what happened.

"You know..." I said walking towards him. "Next time Elena won't be there to save your ass."

He looked at me and I could recognize fear in his eyes. That's good. I thought and left him there alone, lying on the street without caring what was going to happen to him.

It was a crazy night so I didn't blame myself for feeling completely exhausted. So, returning home I went straight to my bed and had a good night sleep, luckily, without nightmares.

The next morning I decided to jog a little. I had missed that. On my way I came up against Tyler.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked him.

"Fine. Jogging too?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be good to start exercising."

"I'm throwing a party at the lake in my family's old property, do you know where it is?"

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would like to come." I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? You are inviting me to your party?"

"Yeah, why is it so hard to believe?"

"Oh, I don't know really... I mean we didn't even talk to each other a few days ago and now you are inviting me to your party?"

"I thought it was a good way to start over. Come. It's full moon tonight, we will light a fire when the moon comes out, tell scary stories..." I laughed.

"Ok, you persuaded me, I'll come."

"Good, see you there. And don't forget to wear your bikini." He said leaving.

"You wish!" I shouted at him in order to hear me. That was interesting. Can things get even weirder?

 Can things get even weirder?

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