Chapter 30

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I called Stefan immediately. He didn't answer his phone. Neither did Damon. What the hell was happening? I called Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline, but the same. So, I had to act alone. I rushed over my home, changed my clothes and went to the garage. There was my Granny's car. Fortunately, I had a driving license. I was so worried for Elena. When, I turned on the engine I realized I didn't know where they went. Follow your instinct. My Granny's voice was advising me. Ok, let's do this! I told to myself and went wherever my instinct said to go. I just wished I would prove myself right.

The Next Morning

Stefan's P.O.V.

I was at the school, wandering around the hallways, thinking about what happened last night. Jeremy's appearance made me return to reality.

"Hey, Jeremy." I greeted him.

"Look, Elena has to let me know when I'm supposed to cover for her. And Jena is cool with you two, but you guys are pushing it."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confused.

"About you and Elena. I'm glad you guys are back together, but if she going to sleep over you-"

"Hold on a minute." I cut him. "We are not back together."

"So, she didn't stay at your place last night?"

"No, I just saw her at the party. That's was it. She didn't sleep over me."

"Because her bed hadn't been slept in and Ms. Lockwood said that her car still there. Where is she?"

That would be an excellent question. And then I remembered I had deactivated my phone. Turning it on, I saw I had a few calls from Cassie. There were from last night. I guessed she must know something about Elena's disappearance. I called her back.

Cassie's P.O.V.

I was driving at an isolated road, I didn't even know existed. All night I was following my instinct and I had started to believe I was completely wrong. But, then I saw the car where Elena was in and carefully stopped behind some trees where it would be impossible to be seen. I saw the kidnapper getting out of the car and approaching the door of another car. He was talking to the driver possibly. Then, he opened the trunk revealing an unconscious Elena. I gasped. I hoped the blood on her clothes to be from yesterday night. He put her in the trunk of the other car and then came closer to the driver's door again. He talked a bit with the driver and then as he approached the glass, he was suddenly grabbed by the neck and then left unconscious to the ground. It was too far for me to see what happened to him, but I was sure the driver was a vampire. As the car drove off, I turned on the engine of mine and drove to where they had met. Getting out of the car, I saw Elena's kidnapper lying dead to the ground with blood covering his entire neck. So, I was right. He was indeed a vampire. But, he didn't get out of the car. That meant he wasn't wearing a daylight ring, which also meant I was safe while the sun was up. I just had to hurry up.

Getting into my car, I drove off following the direction where the other car went. It wasn't in sight, but I followed again my instinct. And that's when my phone rang. It was Stefan. I answered it with one hand, the other having a tight grip on the wheel.


"Hey, Cassie. Sorry for not answering your calls, I had deactivated my phone."

"Yeah, it was pretty clear."

"So what did you want? Because you made a lot of phone calls. Before, that I want you to tell me if you have heard from Elena. Do you know where she is?"

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