Chapter 105

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Elijah? I couldn't believe my own eyes... He was standing there. He hadn't change at all. His black suit was suiting him perfectly, he was perfect as he had always been. He was right there. I thought I would never see him again... But, he was there. My heart was beating frantically. That's why my mind was stuck to this town. Because, I was meant to see him again. My love. My Elijah. How much had I missed him!

My mind having been occupied by processing the fact that the love of my life was standing a few meters away from me had neglected to deal with a very important issue. What Elijah had to do with Katherine anyways? Remembering that, I decided to focus on the conversation.

"Elijah." Elena looked startled. "You are a little late, aren't you?" She said trying to cover her astonishment. Elijah took a few steps forwards getting closer to Elena.

"You coloured your hair..." He commented. Wait! Why did he care about Katherine's hair? "I like it." He added touching a piece of her hair... Something really weird was going on here.

"Thank you..." Elena replied uncomfortably. "It's actually gonna-" She didn't get to finish her sentence. His lips sealed hers, preventing her from talking.

Chaos. That's what followed. My heart was breaking into billion tinny pieces, all over again. But, this was worse. Much worse. Because the first time, I thought he actually loved me. But, now... Now... Everything had collapsed. Everything I knew, everything I felt, everything I believed just collapsed. And along with them I collapsed too. I couldn't see in front of me. Tears had taken over and I couldn't even hold them. I was lost and I was broken. Despite the tears, I turned my eyes on my hand, on the jewellery that decorated my ring finger. His ring. The ring that was supposed to symbolize his eternal love... Everything was a lie. Everything... I felt the break again... I threw the ring with all my force on the pavement and stood up using all the power I was left and ran. I ran. I ran away from him.

Something I should have done ages ago.

Elijah's P.O.V.

My lips touched Katherine's. It felt different. Like there was something missing. Suddenly, I felt a sting in my heart. And it grew stronger and stronger. I gasped breaking Katherine and I's kiss.

"Elijah?" She asked worried. I fell on my knees.

The pain was too much even for me. It was worse than the dagger. And only one person in the world could cause a pain that affected me that much... Oh my God! I turned just in time to see a wave of red hair being lost in the distance.

"Cassandra!!!" I shouted with all my strength. "Cassandra!!!" I kept shouting moving to where I had seen her hair. It was a narrow street. And there was no one there. "Cassandra!!!" I shouted once more, although it was pointless.

She was gone. I knew that. A spark caught my attention. I kneeled on the pavement only to find the sapphire ring I had given to her, when... I closed my eyes remembering the few but happiest moments of my life with her. I took it in my hand. It was so small, so fragile... Like her. And I had managed to break that person more than once... It was still warm. I could smell her sent. A tear escaped my eye...

"I'm sorry my love..." I whispered closing the ring in my palm.

"Elijah..." Katherine said appearing behind me. I stood up slowly and turned to look at her. "Is everything ok?" She asked.

"No." I replied simply. "But, that's not the point. Do you have it with you?"

"Do I have what?" She questioned. That was odd.

"The cure." I clarified.

"It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it and I'll be right back?" She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

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