Chapter 81

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Cassie's P.O.V.

It was weird. Very weird. I was in Klaus's arms. Extremely weird. He was carrying me home. Without my intention, I got involved into his and his father fight. Mikael tried to use me against him. Fortunately, I didn't get injured.

"Here we are..." He said arriving at my porch. I don't have to mention that our way to my house lasted less than a minute. "I would carry you to your room, but I assume you won't invite me in."

"No, I won't." I said simply. He laughed.

"You don't trust me darling?" He asked me.

"You know I'll never trust you enough. You'll have to do a lot more than that to gain even a bit of my trust."

"I'll do my best."

"But, be prepared. Your best might not be good enough."

"I'll keep that in mind." Both of us remained silent.

I took a deep breath and decided to ask what I was wondering this whole time. "What did he do to you?" It seemed my question took him off guard.

"What?" He asked unable to believe had I had just asked.

"What did he do to you? You seemed to be such a good person, so innocent... What did he do to turn you into this?" He sighed and lowered his head. He didn't talk for a while. The moment I thought that he wouldn't answer like the other times, he started talking.

"I assume you know that Mikael is not my real father." He said sitting on the steps of the porch. I sat next to him.

"Yes, Elijah had told me." It was the first time I had said his name and hadn't had any weird reaction.

"Well, he hated me long before he found out. He always found new ways to torture me. He was very good at that. I never understood why he hated me so much. What I had done. He considered me as a weak and stupid boy. He never called me his son. He always called me 'boy' in an underestimating and mocking tone. I tried several times to meet his expectations, but I guess my tries were never enough for him."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. But for him, I would never be who I am now."

"And you like who you are now?"

"Yes." He replied. I laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh because I know you are lying." I replied.

"I'm not lying." He said.

"Yes, you do. You might think you are happy with your current situation, but deep inside you know that this is not true. You just can't admit it." He tried to deny it once more, but I cut him off. "I'm a prophetess. Don't you dare, try to prove me wrong!" He laughed.

"Fine. I won't insist. But, I sense there is something you want to ask me. And I'm not a prophetess." I smiled.

"I have a million questions to ask you, but you won't give an answer to any of them. So what's the point of asking?" I said shrugging.

"Come on. Give it a shot."

"Ok, let's see... What did Mikael meant when he told you to tell me about my parents?" It took him a while to answer.

"I suppose he was referring to the fact that your father was a vampire hunter and your mother was also a descendant of a vampire hunter. And you know vampires and vampire hunters are practically enemies, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. But, I'm sensing you have not answered my question yet."

"You are right. I killed the first generation of vampire hunters. The Five. Have you heard of them?"

"I have, yes. Anyway, I won't dig it anymore. Mikael is dead and I'm not willing to spent more time to solve his riddles." I said standing up. He mimicked me. "Goodnight Klaus. And thanks for the ride."

"It was my pleasure." He replied, smiling. I gave him his coat back. "Cassandra." He said taking my hands in his, preventing me from turning around.

"Yes, Klaus?" He didn't reply. Instead, he placed a soft kiss on my hands.

"Goodnight to you too, Cassandra."

Author's Note: Well, I hadn't realized that this chapter was so small.... Sorry, I guess.... :S

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