Chapter 13

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I woke up in my bedroom. How did I even get there? My head was pounding and it caused me dizziness. What time was it? The last thing I could remember was me about drinking some juice and my Granny's arrival. And by the way where was she? I decided to sit on my bed, until the dizziness went away.

I tried to focus on what was happening in the house. There was no sound at all. Usually when my Granny is home, she listens to classical music, which she knows I absolutely hate, but I don't mind because I get sleepy. No sound at all. Pretty weird. I looked at my watch. What???????? It was 9 p.m. I can't have been asleep for more than 4 hours! And had such a headache! But, something told me, call it a hunch, that I hadn't fallen asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, I decided it was safe enough to get up. Fortunately, my head didn't hit the ground. I went down the stairs and I found my Granny near the fireplace with a cup of tea in her hands –she never drinks anything but tea- and really worried.


"Oh, hey honey. You finally woke up!"

"Why, was I sleeping?"

"Yes, when I arrived home you were in your bedroom sleeping."

"But I remember seeing you when you arrived. I was wide awake, I'm sure." I replied more confused than ever.

"You might have been dreaming."

"It was so real...." I murmured.

"Whatever, forget it..." I said and went to the kitchen.

It must have been a dream... I walked by the fridge and then I saw something I totally didn't expect.

A glass of orange juice was on the table......

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