Chapter 136

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The next day we were still in the bayou. From what I understood we would be staying here for over a month until the next full moon. I was helping Hayley and Eve gather the werewolves, but to be honest I couldn't wait until my duty was over. I wanted to be free. All morning I had this strange feeling that something just wasn't right.

"What's going on?" Hayley asked in the end fed up with my troubled expression.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. She remained still staring at me.

"Do you mind if I go to check on the Originals?"

"Of course not. I'm fed up you shadowing me."

"You will be ok, right? Please don't get into trouble." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry Cassandra. I have a whole pack to protect me if something goes wrong."

"I'm counting on that." I replied. With that I left Hayley and Eve and headed to the French Quarter.

Now where could they be? I wondered once I reached my destination. I had to cross the whole bayou to get there. I hated mud. And mosquitoes. And flies. But, anyways this was not the point. I closed my eyes and focused on the three Originals siblings. I did hope that they would all be alive and that Klaus wouldn't have killed Rebekah. But, I don't think he would ever be able to kill his baby sister. Deep down, Klaus had a very kind soul. As I said, deep down.

An image came into my mind. I recognized the place immediately. The cemetery. The irony was tremendous. I quickly made my way there, hoping I would arrive before Klaus did something stupid. I walked under the metal arch that signified the entrance of the cemetery. I didn't understand how the witches allowed the Original family to even step a foot on their sacred place. I walked among the thousands of tombs, relying on my hearing to spot them. And I finally did. Walking over to where they were I found Elijah and Klaus having a conversation. A rather unconventional conversation, I must add. Elijah was holding a blade which was covered in blood and Klaus was holding the white-oak stake. That was ugly.

"Niklaus, I know you and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me."

"I could get past you, although it might have to be over your dead body." Klaus argued. "You did stab me with that blade forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain! Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you..." He continued. He was angry. And that made him think of nothing but revenge.

"You should see yourself..." Elijah replied calmly, unfazed by his brother's threat. "A murderous expression, a self-righteous posturing... You look like father..." I closed my eyes. That was the biggest insult you could say to Klaus.

"I'm not him." Klaus denied it firmly. "Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. She was out for a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty! None of you were! Not Kol! Not Finn! None of you!"

It was one of those rare times that I could hear the pain in Klaus's voice. How much he had suffered during his childhood. I couldn't help but wonder, if Mikael didn't treat him like this, would he be a different person? Would he show his true self? A note for campaigns against family violence. Klaus is the strongest example of what can family abusing can do to a kid.

"I think you've forgotten what he was truly like." Klaus continued calmer now.

"No, I have not forgotten."

And Elijah started telling how Mikael beat Klaus when he was a little boy, without mercy, insulted him, always underestimated him. A tear escaped my eye. No one should experience something like this. No one deserved to. Klaus and Elijah remained for a moment staring at each other, but then suddenly Klaus disappeared. Elijah followed him and I did so too.

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