Chapter 131

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Elijah's P.O.V.

The next day was even more complicated and weird. Davina appeared to have drawn pictures that if you put them together you would get an image of a person I never thought I would see at this present moment. Celeste. She called them evil. All night I was trying to figure out what this meant with no result, unfortunately.

"There has never been an all powerful witch, until Davina." I explained to Hayley.

"Who is now tacked in, safe and sound, down the hall under my protection." Klaus said entering the room. "Your Celeste was quite beautiful. And a precursor of evil according to our new volatile artist in residence." He added seeing the picture of Celeste.

"Yes, perhaps Davina is mistaken what she calls evil, her power... Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she has been dead for over two hundred years. I don't understand why all these sketches now." I argued.

"Why does any witch do anything?" Klaus said taking a seat. "Although, I should mention what Cassandra said to me the other day." My head snapped at the direction of my brother hearing mentioning Cassandra.

"What did she say Niklaus?" I asked him.

"Well, she pretty much said the same with Davina. Her guts were telling her that a great evil was coming." I sighed. If Cassandra confirmed Davina's words, then we had a problem.

"And why should we believe her?" Hayley asked. I was almost offended by her question.

"Cassandra is never wrong. If she is saying that an evil is coming then we should take this under very serious consideration." I replied a little more abruptly than I should. Breaking glass was heard from Davina's room.

"Well, that's going well." Niklaus commented ironically.

"If you are trying to win the girl's trust, perhaps poisoning her one true love was not the most splendid idea." I retorted.

"Are there any more inopportune deaths you would like to wave in my face?"

"Give me a month. I'll get you a list." He laughed, but stopped when the sound of breaking glass was heard again.

"Young, old, dead or alive, witches are a pain in the ass." He commented before standing up and heading to the door.

"How poetic of you, Klaus! You are making a progress!" Cassandra said appearing. My brother smiled seeing her. I'd never understood how these two were getting along.

"There you are. Could you please shed some light in the situation?"

She raised her eyebrows. Niklaus pointed at the drawing on the table. Curious, she took a few steps forwards to see the drawing. And that moment was the moment that everything stopped. I watched horrified, Cassandra gasping, her whole body tensing and her eyes turning backwards, so that only the white could be seen. I stood up alerted, but nothing prepared me for what followed.

"Hiding in the shadows
seeking revenge,
now it's time to put an end.
Be careful, she's out for good.
Nothing is stopping her,
even her love for you."

The scariest part was that the minute she started talking with that eerie voice of hers, everything around started shaking. The earthquake was so severe that I started wondering if Cassandra was causing it. The moment she finished, she collapsed on the floor and the earthquake stopped too. I rushed to her, in order to prevent her from hitting her head on the floor, but Klaus got to her first.

"What the hell was that?!?!?!" Hayley said having freaked out. For the first time, I ignored her.

"We must take her to her room." I said and Klaus agreed with me, wasting no time and carrying Cassandra to her room.

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