Chapter 142

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"Run!" Elijah ordered and I did.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could, hoping that they wouldn't come after me. Hoping that my end wouldn't come by a werewolf. I only stopped when I was nearly at the other side of the city. I took a deep breath trying to process what had happened. Francesca was a werewolf. She and her brothers were werewolves. And they had taken the stones for the moonlight rings. That's why they hadn't transformed into wolves. I looked at the night sky and suddenly it hit me. Today... Tonight... It was the night that my vision would be fulfilled. The vision that brought me troubles from the very beginning. That and my curiosity.

I leaned against a wall, gazing at the full moon. Today the baby would be born. Today my obligation towards her would end. Today I would be free. Free of this miserable life. Perhaps I would find peace after that. Perhaps it might be better this way. I knew Hayley was in trouble. They witches had taken her. I somehow knew it. And I could sense the pain she felt, as she was about to give birth to her daughter. I had to prepare myself.

I headed to the apartment I was staying when I first came to New Orleans. I hadn't been there for a while. The door cricked as I opened it. The apartment was pretty much the same as I had left it. If you exclude the dust of course. I closed the door behind me and walked inside. The placed had been closed for quite a while and it smelled funny, so I opened the windows for some fresh air to come in. I also removed the dusted sheets from the furniture and sat on the small couch for a while. I placed my head in my hands, trying to process what it was about to happen. I started trembling. There is no backing down now, Cassandra! I scolded myself.

I stood up, determined to do what I had to do. Firstly, I needed to take a bath. I walked in the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot water. Once it was full, I took my clothes off and entered carefully. The hot water helped me relax and clear my head. It was refreshing. I might had fallen asleep, because I woke up when the water was cold. Unwillingly, I stood up and wrapped a towel around me. When I entered the living room, it was cold, because I had left the windows open. But, I didn't close them. The cold, the chills... They made me feel human... They made me feel vulnerable. I recalled what happened a few hours ago. The rage that had consumed me. How blinded I was. I had lost control and I couldn't allow that to happen again. I shouldn't. This wasn't me. The hunter's mark had disappeared and I wanted to forget about what happen a few hours ago.

I headed to my bedroom and to my closet. My eyes fell on a pretty blue dress that was hanging there. It was the only piece of clothing I had left here. It was my mother's. I took it off the hook and held it in my hands. It smelled like my mother. Mom, where are you now? I wondered with tears filling my eyes. And that was it. I broke down and a flood of tears escaped my eyes. All the pain I had felt in my life came rushing back... Having to grow up without parents, the indifference of the guys towards me, Elijah, my Granny, the murder of my father... Everything built up in a weight on my chest that blocked my breathing. I lay there, on my bed, crying my eyes out. I hadn't allowed myself to feel anything for a while now. And now I paid the price.

Eventually, the tears stopped. I put on the dress and a pair of shoes and fixed my hair. I looked myself in the mirror and I almost saw the old me. The smiling cheerful girl from Mystic Falls who hated her history teacher and loved to make others happy. But, the girl looking back at me in the mirror was not the same. She was sad. She seemed as if she hadn't smiled in a while. As if happiness was an unknown word to her. I sighed and looked out of the window. They sun would rise soon and I had to go.

 They sun would rise soon and I had to go

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