Chapter 2

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Finally the day was over. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen the new hottie or also known as Stefan, after the first hour... The most hated lesson ; history. The lesson along with the teacher is at least boring. And he is very annoying. I like all the teachers, but this one is... so arrogant. So, I spent the time during the 'lesson' staring at Bonnie who was looking at Stefan, who was looking at Elena, who was stared by Matt.

I thought we would go out and celebrate our 'come back'to school, but we didn't really do something right after that. So, I walked back to my house, Bonnie to hers and Elena most likely to the cemetery. She sits there writing to her diary or talking to her parents. I do that too, sometimes, but I usually talk to my Granny.

I opened the door and got in, but it was quiet.


"I'm upstairs honey." I reached upstairs and headed to my Granny's atelier. Yes, she loves painting, in which she is very good at. Unlike me.

"How was your first day, honey?"

"You know school, it's always boring." She laughed.

"I wonder how you would feel if you were a bad student..."

"Bored too."

"How was Elena?" she said in a serious tone.

"She tried to convince everybody she was fine, but she didn't persuade me. She has a hard time. As well as Jeremy. I mean, it's bad to grow up without parents, but I think it's worse losing them both, so suddenly."

"They are both difficult situations honey. Luckily, they have Jena. That kid has so much responsibility on her shoulders. She needed to grow up so abruptly." I didn't say anything.

"I've made some cupcakes, if you want..."

"You should have mentioned it earlier!" I said gasping and run downstairs straight to the kitchen.

"You should have mentioned it earlier!" I said gasping and run downstairs straight to the kitchen

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It was about 5 p.m. and I decided I should begin exercising if I wanted not to look like a pig. I went into my room and straight to my wardrobe to pick an outfit.

"Granny I'm going out running."

"Ok, be careful honey!"

"I will." I said closing the door behind me.

After four or five cupcakes, I was in need of running. Or else, I would look like a pig. I didn't know where to go, so I took off running to nowhere specifically. My legs brought me to the woods. I was good in orienting myself so I took the risk. Walking in the woods is an experience worth having. It is amazing.

I didn't know how far I had been but what I saw was one of the most beautiful things I have ever, ever, ever seen. Can that be true? I asked myself silently. It was a big lake, with crystal clear blue water and some trees decorated the shore. There was grass on the field around it with some yellow flowers. It was just like... inspired by a dream. I sat by the lakeshore, really tired to continue running. I was just sitting there and staring to this magnificent landscape. The birds were singing their song, the insects were flying around, and the calm lake looked like glass..... I wouldn't mind staying there forever. But, in a strange way, all these seemed quite familiar to me.

I didn't realize how the time had passed by, until the sun started to set. I have to go before it gets dark. Then, it would be impossible to go back, even for me... I thought. Suddenly the birds stopped singing and there was just a deadly silence. When I stood up from the ground, I saw a man dressed in black, hidden behind a bunch of trees, watching me. I didn't need any other boost, so I started running as fast as I could. Fortunately, I reached the road safe and sound, but a bit out of breath. I did all the way home running at first and then walking as I came close to town.

I arrived home about 8:30 p.m.

"I'm home" I shouted.

"Honey, I thought you were lost!" My Granny's voice was full of concern as she came and hugged me tightly.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because it was dark and you hadn't come back and with all these attacks... I was just worried."

"Please tell me you didn't call the police." She is capable of doing such a thing.

"I was about to call when you got inside." I sighed.

"I'm okay Granny, relax." She gave me a warm smile and a big hug.

"Okay, now I need a shower."

"Of course honey."

I went upstairs and straight to the bathroom. Oh, I smelled awful. I relaxed in my bath enjoying the moment. But, unfortunately, I had to get out sometime. I was ready to flip into my pajamas, when my Granny called me.

"What is it, Granny?"

"Bonnie called and said that Caroline, Elena and her would be at the Grill."

"May I go?"

"Aren't you tired?"

"Not really to be honest."

"Ok, but as long as you get back before midnight"

"Yes, sir!" I laughed.

So change of plans. I got ready quickly and took a look at the time. 20 minutes! That was a record! But I didn't waste my time celebrating my new record in getting dressed. I said goodnight to my Granny, although I knew she would be awake until I came back.

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