Chapter 32

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Next day at school, I tried my best to pay attention to the lesson

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Next day at school, I tried my best to pay attention to the lesson. And to my surprise I succeeded. It was good for me to feel, even once, everything was back to normal. But, at the break, I realized I couldn't keep it up.

A strange draught was stirring causing panic to the students that were out, trying to catch their notes from the air. My suspicions proved to be right, as I spotted Bonnie with somebody else, I was pretty sure I had never seen him before in my life. I approached them, smirking.

"You know, I don't want to pick up flu. I have more important things to do than being sick." I whispered, but loud enough for the guy to hear. Bonnie laughed.

"Come on, Cassie!"

"Won't you introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, yes. Uh, Cassie this is Luca, Luca this is Cassie."

"Nice to meet you." I said offering my hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too." He said and caught my hand.

And then everything went black, as always. I saw him sitting with another man with their hands linked and saying some weird words. And then it hit me. He was a witch. Or a warlock, as my Granny had told me. They were doing some kind of spell and out of the blue Luca started screaming and caught fire. I screamed although no one could hear me. His whole body was on fire! His father, as I assumed from the resemblance, tried desperately to save him. Even, when he put out the fire, he tried to cast a spell to save him. But, unfortunately it was too late. Realizing there was nothing he could do, he embraced his son's lifeless body and mourned for him.

Tears had formed in my eyes, when I returned to reality.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine sorry."

"Are you a...?"

"No, I'm not that cool." Luca laughed.

"You think it's cool being like that?"

"Cooler than being what I am, trust me." He gave me a confused look.

"It would be better for you not to know." I said in a serious tone.

"If you say so..."

"I have to go. Glad to meet you again Luca. Bye." I said and waved.

"Bye." Luca and Bonnie said in unison.

I had no option but to walk all the way to my home. Not that I wasn't used to that to the contrary it would be good for me, after what I saw. I was so sorry for Luca. I mean, he was so young and dying in that way, it's terrible. But, I was also very curious about the spell they were casting. What was it? Was it that tough, that Luca caught fire or there was another reason?

All these questions bothered me during my way home. When I managed to leave these thoughts aside and focus to the present, I realized I had a feeling that I was being watched. I stopped and turned around to see if anyone was following me, but there was no one nearby. Am I going crazy? I asked myself for the thousandth time. I continued my way, but in a quicker pace. I wanted to get in my house where I would be safe. To my luck, I was safe and sound inside my house after a few minutes. I sighed in relief.

Right then, my phone rang. I didn't know the number, but I answered it in any case.


"Hey, Cassie, it's Jena."

"Jena! What a surprise!"

"You didn't expect me to call you, did you?"

"No, not at all to be honest."

"That's me. Always unexpected. Look, I want a favour."

"Yes, Jena of course. How can I help you?"

"You know you mother was a member of the Historical Society. She was very passionate about history."

"Unlike me. Continue." She laughed.

"Ok, she kept detailed records concerning the history of Mystic Falls, from the beginning of its foundation. Do you know where they are?"

"I think so... Why do you need them exactly?"

"Well, there is a writer in town making some research on Mystic Fall's history. And I was roped into helping him by Ms. Lockwood."

"Very fascinating. Do you want me to help you?"

"But, I thought you hate history."

"I do, but... I think this will make me feel closer to my mother, you know..."

"I understand. When you find them, please give me a call on this number, ok?"

"Ok, Jena. I'll do my best to help you."

"Thanks. Bye."

"Bye." I said and hung it up.

So, I spent the rest of the afternoon and the whole evening, searching for the files Jena needed. I found some books and notebooks, all dusted. I had a hard time trying to get rid of the dust, as I'm allergic to it. I also found some floppies, the files of which I managed to transfer to CDs. Opening, the files and reading my mother's research I felt like she was sitting right next to me. Tears were streaming from my eyes, on her thought. I missed her presence so much. I wished she could have been here now that I needed her. Not that my Granny wasn't helping me, but still... I wished I had seen her face not only by photos.

Wake up, Cassie. It's not time for that right now, I told myself, wiping away my tears. I gathered all the stuff I assumed Jena needed in two boxes. Maybe I would be in need of some help to carry them or I could just use my Granny's car. I would think about it tomorrow.

I grabbed my phone and called Jena.

"Yes?" Jena answered right before I hung it up.

"Hey, Jena, it's Cassie." I said looking over the clock on my bedside table. It was almost 11 at night.

"I'm so sorry for the time. I hadn't realized how late it was."

"It's ok, I wasn't sleeping."

"I found the stuff you needed, I'll bring them to you tomorrow evening. Is it convenient for you?"

"Yes, thanks again Cassie."

"No problem." I said and hung up.

Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I realized how tired I was – both physically and psychologically. So, I tried to tidy my stuff before going to bed. As I was closing the curtains half asleep, to my astonishment I saw again somebody standing across the road. Deciding I didn't want anyone to ruin my sleep I snapped the curtain shut stubbornly.

Safe under my covers, I didn't pay attention to the light breeze, probably coming from an open window...

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