Chapter 72

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I was speechless. I had frozen on the floor where Rebekah had thrown me, before Klaus stopping her from hurting me. I looked at Elena who was looking at me astonished as well. Why would Klaus do something like that?

"What is wrong with you? Why do you care?" Rebekah yelled under Klaus. I had the same question too.

"That's none of your business!" He spat at her, freeing her from his tight grip.

"Make her tell me where it is Nick!" She yelled again pointing to Elena. Then, he turned to Elena completely calm.

"Where is it, sweetheart?" He asked. "Be honest."

"I'm telling the truth." Elena complained. "Katherine stole it." She added shortly after.

That persuaded Klaus. And I sensed it was the truth, since I hadn't asked Elena about her necklace, presuming it made her feel strange, as it was Stefan who had given it to her.

"Katerina." He said to himself. "Of course. Well, that's unfortunate! If we had the necklace, it would make things a whole lot easier to your witch, but since we are doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" He exclaimed. What was he talking about? What clock? Unfortunately, he answered my question a few seconds later. I stared shocked. "Twenty minutes." He had adjusted the scoring board to twenty minutes. "If Bonnie hasn't found the solution by then I want you to feed again." He said turning to Stefan. "But, this time I want you to feed on Elena." He added.

"You son of a bitch!!!" I yelled at him. I moved forwards towards him, but Rebekah prevented me from continuing, grabbing me by the waist and closing my mouth with her hand, so that nothing of what I said could be heard.

"Rebekah..." Klaus warned his sister. What the hell?

"Don't worry, I'm not hurting your precious nothing." She replied ironically.

"You know you want to." He said turning his attention to Stefan again.

"Klaus don't do this to him!" Elena begged.

"No one leaves. If she tries to run fracture her spine." He ordered ignoring Elena. "Come on, love! Let's get out of here!" He said to me while he and his creepy sister dragged me out of the gym. I screamed Elena's name and she did the same with mine, but nothing could come out of my mouth.

"What the hell?" I yelled once Rebekah freed me.

"Easy love, you don't want to piss me off!" Klaus warned me, but I chose to ignore him.

"Why did you do this?" I yelled again.

"She is very annoying. Shall I kill her?" Rebekah asked looking at her brother.

"I think I said you must not touch her again!!!" Klaus shouted at the end.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you protecting her???" She asked pissed off.

"That's none of your business!!!" He spat. "Now, love, shall we?" He said grabbing my elbow and dragging me outside the school. "Rebekah, you keep an eye on the wolf boy!" He ordered before exiting the building.

"Where are we going?" I shouted.

"Somewhere that you will be safe."

"And since when do you care about my safety???" He stopped dead at his tracks.

"I want to keep you safe and the only thing you do is asking questions. I'll consider that as an offence."

"What would you do if the most dreadful person you knew, who was capable of killing literally everyone on this earth to serve his purposes, wanted to protect you like if you were someone important to him?" He didn't respond. "Answer me!!!" I demanded.

But, as much as I wanted him to give me a reply, he just kept staring at me. "You are talking too much, we must get going."

"But-" He ignored my complaints and kept walking.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and took off running with his vampire – hybrid speed. Like E- No! Don't think of him!!! I scolded myself. Without realizing it, we were outside of my house. How did he know where my house was? I said my question out loud. He laughed in reply. I looked at him raising my eyebrow.

"How many vampires have you invited inside?" He asked still without answering my first question. I decided not to ask him again. There was no point in asking something that Klaus didn't want to reply to.

"None." I admitted surprised. Not even Stefan... Which proved to be a wise choice, considering the current circumstances.

"Good for you and better for me." He said leaving me astonished for once more.

He noticed my weird look and laughed again.

"What is so funny with me not believing that you, and I repeat you, above all people, want to keep me safe? I can't help but wonder if you are planning to sacrifice me too, as you did with Elena a few months ago. Because, do not expect from me to believe that you actually care about my safety. And since, you have been avoiding answering mine and your sister's question, I think I have an extremely good reason to doubt your motives." He laughed again, like I was telling a joke or something.

Now, I was mad. I turned my back to him and moved towards the house. In seconds, he was in front of me, blocking my way. I sighed annoyed.

"Look, Cassandra, I'll tell you one thing. As much as you don't want to believe it, I'm not going to hurt you and I actually care about your safety. I can't tell you more, but please believe this."

Weirdly, my instinct said he was telling the truth. I ignored my instinct. Something like that was impossible. I mean why would Klaus care about me? Why me? Maybe he was aware of the curse of the prophetess. I wasn't sure though, if he knew about the curse of the hunter too. I didn't know about it a few weeks ago, but who knows. Klaus is a thousand-year-old hybrid. He must have eyes everywhere. While processing the situation, I had stayed quiet staring at him. I made my decision.

No, he can't care.

I passed by him, heading to my house.

"Goodnight Klaus."

Author's Note: Another favourite chapter of mine! Make sure to tell me what you think in the cooments!!! Love you all!!!!

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