Chapter 87

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"Alexander! What a surprise!" I exclaimed answering it.

"You think I would forget your birthday, beautiful?" I heard Elijah growl. I smiled at his reaction.

"No, of course not."

"How are you doing?"

"Well, there has been a lot of drama lately, but fortunately I'm fine."

"I'm glad you are. I would like to spend another summer with you. Unless, you don't want to."

"Don't say that! I had a great time with you this summer. I would love to do this again." I said deciding to play a little more with Elijah. It worked. I sensed him tense.

"Happy to hear it. And your birthday is not the only reason I called." He got serious suddenly.

"What happened? Has it anything to do with the fact that you are visiting me today?"

"How do you know that?"

"My Granny told me." He laughed.

"And I thought you saw a vision."

"Back to the point, Alexander." I said impatiently.

"Ok. I found, I mean we all found what we were looking for, all summer."

"Really?" I said surprised.


"So, when will I see you?" I asked smiling.

"Missed me?"

"More than you can imagine." I replied smirking, sensing Elijah's mood.

"See you later beautiful."

"See you later." I whispered and hung up. I turned to face Elijah. He had a blank expression on his face. "Are you ok?" I asked innocently.

"So, you spent the summer with him." He said coldly. I couldn't but notice the way he pronounced 'him'.

"Yeah, is there any problem with that?"

"No, no. Of course not." He replied quickly. I smiled at his obvious lie.

"So, I suppose our roads will be separated now..."

"Why? Rushing on getting rid of me?"

"Not exactly. As I said twice before, I have some stuff to do, so..."

"Mind the company?"

"No, but I suppose you must have more important things to do, than be with me."

"There is nothing more important..." He replied touching my cheek with the back of his hand, sending shivers down to my body.

"Ok, then. Let's go." I replied, quickly walking away, trying to regain my self-possession.
He walked besides me silent. What was I going to do with him? On the one hand, I wanted so badly to stay in his arms forever and on the other hand I felt like I was betraying my friends. Although, I had their approval, it still felt wrong.

"May I ask where we are going?" He broke the silence.

"You'll see." I replied not looking straight at him, afraid I would lose my concentration. Soon enough, we arrived at a small flower's shop. My Granny would always shop from here. It was a really old building. Elijah seemed surprised that I had led us here.

"What is this place?" He asked looking around.

"Isn't it obvious? A flower's shop."

"Yes, but it doesn't look like the average flower's shop."

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