Chapter 147

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Klaus's P.O.V.

I had never thought that a human could make my family fall apart, but apparently I was wrong. Cassandra's death destroyed everyone. I could see my brother being lost every single day it passed and I could do nothing about it. Even Rebekah came. When I called her to tell her the news, she burst into tears. And me... I have never felt guiltier in my entire life. I was responsible for that girl. I had promised to keep her safe. And I failed. I was standing outside Cassandra's room, watching my brother holding her hand waiting for her to come back. He had not left her side for days. Davina had casted a spell to preserve her body. Now she was lying on her bed, in a wedding dress at her request, sleeping peacefully. We waited for her family to show up soon. We would have to hand them Cassandra, even though we were not very happy about it. I didn't know how I would face her grandmother after this. And I didn't know how I would handle my brother after we would give her away.

Suddenly, yelling was heard from downstairs. That seemed to pull Elijah out of his daydream. He kissed Cassandra's hand gently, before setting it to her side and standing up to face me.

"Let's go see what's going on." He said and moved past me. I had never seen him so weak.

"Where is he?" Someone yelled. The voice seemed familiar, but I could not tell why. "You!!!"

The man hissed when he saw Elijah and lunged on him, punching him right in the face. I was about to attack, when a female voice stopped me.

"Alexander, contain yourself!!!" I turned to look at the redhead woman that I hadn't seen in almost eighteen years.

"Christa." I gasped.

"Hello to you too, Klaus." She greeted me back. I recognized the pain in her voice. But, her face only wore a mask of dignity, the same mask I had seen that night. My silence gave her the chance to continue. "I'm here for my granddaughter." She explained.

As I helped my brother to his feet, my eyes fell on the people standing behind Christa. I instantly recognized the descendants of the men that I, myself, executed years ago. Even our old enemies from Mystic Falls were here. This room was filled with people that hated me. But, it was also full of people that loved Cassandra. And I could not deprive them from the right to mourn their loved one.

"I apologize for Alexander's behaviour. I assure you, the sole reason for our presence here is Cassandra. We do not intend on starting a war. You have my word on that." I nodded unable to utter a single word. "Now, can I see my granddaughter?" She requested politely. I nodded again and led them upstairs to her room. Elijah didn't follow. Instead, he headed to the small interior garden of the compound.

Christa was a very strong woman. Stronger than most people I met. She lost her soulmate, her daughter and yet she remained strong for the sake of her grandchild. Seeing that woman collapse in the sight of her dead granddaughter was a sight I wouldn't wish to anyone. Everyone gathered around her bed, grief written in their features. Cassandra didn't know how much she was loved. She didn't know how much she meant to her friends and family. To Elijah. To me. I quickly exited the room, before any tears could escape my eyes. I should not show my weaknesses. So, I left them with her and took off to stand by my own family. Elijah was sitting on a small bench, staring at the wall.

"I never thought I would ever see you like this." I said sitting beside him. He remained silent for a while, before finally answering.

"I lost my whole purpose of existence, brother. How do you expect me to be?" His voice was barely heard.

"I expect you to act like a man, like an Original. I know what Cassandra meant to you and I know how you feel now that she is gone. But, destroying yourself is not the answer. She would never want that." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. He pushed it away.

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