Chapter 80

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Klaus's P.O.V.

I was inside the mansion preoccupied with my victory party. But, I couldn't take my mind off Cassandra's words earlier tonight. It was very surprising not to be considered as a monster for once, during my long life as a vampire. And she was the only one who was willing to stand by me. Another surprising move, on her part. I don't know if she meant her words or it was just a means to find out the reason behind my desire to protect her. She should never know. And I would never tell her. I just wished she meant what she said.

"You have a visitor." Mindy said, approaching me.

"Well, tell my visitor I'm preoccupied with my victory party here." I replied.

"He said his name is Mikael." That took me off guard. Wasn't he supposed to be daggered? Anyways, you can't trust anyone, but yourself.

"Then, we shouldn't keep him waiting. Move everyone at the back. I want to have a little chat with my dad."

Mindy motioned to the others and they started moving all the people at the back. I was hoping Cassandra was among them. I didn't want her to be caught up in a fight between me and my father. I drank my whisky.

"Tony, you know what to do." I said to one of my hybrid minions and headed to the front door. He was standing there looking me with this annoying arrogant face of his.

"Hello Niklaus." He said. I hated his voice.

"Hello Mikael. Why don't you come in? Oh right, I forgot, you can't." I replied calmly, despite the rage that burned inside me.

"Or you can come outside, if you want."

"Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb." As I said that, my hybrids appeared behind him.

"They can't kill me." Mikael pointed out.

"True, but it would make hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub those to fingers together and they will lunge at you." I pointed out in return.

"The big bad wolf." He said ironically.

"You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your toys, like a coward. But, you forget, that although they are sired to you, but they are still part vampire and they can be compelled by me." As he said that, Mindy appeared behind him, bringing Elena to Mikael. And... holding Cassandra with her hand on her mouth, preventing her from talking. I could see the fear in her eyes. I couldn't bear it.

"Leave her. She won't be of any use to you." I said motioning to Cassandra.

"This is interesting." Mikael said. "You prefer a girl that is of no use to you, instead of the doppelganger without the blood of whom, these will be the last of your abominations. So one dies... Who do you prefer?"

"You can't kill Cassandra. She is a prophetess. I'm sure you have heard of the prophetess's curse."

"I can't. But, your minions can, under my compulsion. Come out or they die. Both of them."

"She must be protected. Do you think The Council would leave her like that?" He laughed.

"You are so entertaining Niklaus. All this time, you are trying to negotiate for a girl that should mean nothing to you. I wonder why. But, I think I have the answer. Why don't you tell her about her parents?"

"I said leave her!!!" I yelled. I couldn't afford to lose Cassandra.

"No word for poor Elena. Too bad, sweetheart. He chose your friend, over you."

"Your whole life you have been underestimating me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So, go on, kill her." I urged him. He laughed. "Kill her!" I yelled. He laughed again.

"Your impulse Niklaus, it has and it will ever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." And with that he stubbed Elena with a knife on the back, dropping her on the ground.

Out of the blue, Damon appeared and stubbed me with a stake. It must have been a stake made of white oak. That's why the pain was indescribable. And when Damon was ready for the final hit, Stefan appeared pushing him away from me.

"What are you doing?" Damon shouted at Stefan.

That turned Mikael attention, back to us, as he was looking at Katherine who prevented my hybrids from coming closer with bombs of wolfsbane. I only had one shot. I took the stake and lunged at him. Knowing, what was coming he grabbed Cassandra, using her as a shield. I didn't stop. I wouldn't hurt Cassandra, no matter what. The force of our impact threw Mikael backwards and made him leave Cassandra. With all the strength I had, I drove the stake through his heart. With great satisfaction, I watched as he screamed in agony and his body caught fire, turning him eventually into nothing but ash.

I heard a soft groan behind me and then I remembered Cassandra. She was lying on the ground, unconscious. Oh my God! I thought and run by her side.

"Cassandra..." I said nudging her. "Cassandra..." I said again starting to worry. She moved a bit and she shot her eyes open.

"Klaus...?" She said. She tried to stand up, but she stopped, touching her head in pain.

"Easy love." I said. "Take this and I'll be back in a moment. Don't move." I said putting my coat around her shoulders. She nodded and wrapped the coat tightly around her. She looked at me and then raised her hand, whipping a tear off my cheek. I hadn't even realized it was there. I stood up and headed to the mansion.

Getting inside, I heard Damon asking Stefan what he had done. "He has earned his freedom." I replied. Stefan let Damon and turned to look at me. "Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You are free." Stefan sighed relieved and turned to look at his brother who was gone. I smiled and turned to go to Cassandra. She was there waiting for me. "Are you ok?" I asked her.

"I think so." She mumbled. I smiled.

"Come on." I said bowing down and raising her in bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I don't think you can walk by yourself and there is no point in stealing a car, so we will go on foot." And before she could say anything, I took off running with my hybrid speed.

You will be safe Cassandra.

Author's Note: Helloooooo!!!!! Here is another chapter!!!! Tell me what you think!! Love you all!!! :D

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