Chapter 58

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A couple of days later...

It seems that everyone wanted to discover the truth about them and their family. Everyone responded to our call. Currently, Alexander's living room was packed with people from all over the world. Iphigenia had come from Los Angeles to help with our research. Antonio and Carmela had come all the way from Italy. The twins Lucia and Laura had visited as from Spain. Eva and Lucas had come from south France. Ines and Beatriz were from Portugal. Andrew along with Sofia and Helen were from Greece. Christopher came from USA, while Liam and Steven from Australia. Finally, the last ones to arrive were Vladimir and Milena from Bulgaria.

Each one had a story to tell. Antonio and Carmela were cousins of Alexander by his father's side. Carmela was very beautiful. She had the kind of beauty that we call natural. Which is the true beauty. Her long, wavy, brown hair framed her beautiful round face. Her hazel green eyes were one of the things that you would first notice, along with her smile which came into contrast with her suntanned complexion. She was quite fit and much taller than me. Antonio was much like her. He was tall and fit, with sparkling green eyes and a beautiful smile. He had black hair and his complexion was the same as Carmela's. He was quite a fun. From the moment he arrived, he would always tell jokes to make everyone laugh.

Antonio and Carmela were in an orphanage since they could remember themselves. But, they would always look after each other. Their mother had passed away when they were very young, from cancer, while there was no information about their father. What they found out later was a picture of him with their mother, but there were no clues whatsoever. All they knew was that he had to do with some kind of an army. Currently, Carmela was a martial arts teacher, while Antonio was a champion at kick-boxing.

Lucia and Laura were the only ones with whom I was blood related from my mother's side. However, they didn't possess the gift of prophecy. I didn't understand how that happened, but I was sure fate wanted to play only with me. Anyway, physically they were exactly like me. Short, redheaded with blue eyes. They told me that something happened during the pregnancy which led to their inability of seeing visions. Their mother suffered from visions from a much younger age than me. She didn't want this future for her children, when she accidentally got pregnant. Someone would say that her prayer was heard and fate felt compassion for the mother and her children. Of course, she had never mentioned anything about their father. But, they thought their relationship was something more than an one-night-stand or something like that. In the end, they confessed that they were glad not to be able to see visions. They had seen their mother suffer and they didn't want that.

Eva and Lucas were the exception. Coming from south France, they had both a suntanned complexion coming in contrast with their light blue eyes. Eva had blonde straight hair, while Lucas's hair had a shade of dark brown. But, despite their appearance which someone could say it wasn't much alike, you could immediately understand they were siblings by the way they were standing next to each other. They never left each other's side and always shared a smile. Both brought up by their both parents, although their father wasn't their biological one, they were lucky to have the privilege to grow up in an ordinary family that love bonded its members.

I was really fond of Ines and Beatriz. Even if their physical appearance was nothing like the appearance of the average women in her middle twenties, they were very kind – hearted and sensible people. You see, being both champions in kick-boxing requires a lot of training which changed their built. However, there was always a warm smile and a good advice to offer you whenever you needed it. As far as they had told us, they had blurred memories of their father, training them to defend themselves. But, they were only blurred memories. Nothing special. They told me that sometimes they doubted if these memories were actually real and not some creation of their mind.

Andrew, Sofia and Helen were from Greece, like my ancestors. They had the typical physical characteristics of Greek people. Brown hair, brown eyes and suntanned complexion, as they were from south. They had lost their father very young by cancer as they had been told. Like the rest of us doubted this version. Despite the questions they had all this time, nobody seemed to be willing to help them by giving them some answers. So, the years passed by and these questions remained without reply, like the rest of us. Currently, they were running their own business with martial arts equipment which was going quite well, according to them.

Christopher was from USA. He was studying psychology at Yale University which seemed quite absurd as most of the people in this room were related with martial arts or something close to that. As he said, he preferred peace and calmness, rather than fight. However, he did know how to defend himself, something that his mother had made him learn for an unknown reason to him. And again there was the same motif; questions without a reply. He knew his father only by pictures, like me, with the difference that his mother had shown them to him, while I had to dig in the deepest corner of the basement to find them.

As for Liam and Steven, I could say they had the risk in their blood. You could see that from their achievements some of which include climbing almost every well-known mountain in the world, crossing the Sahara desert as well as exploring the Amazon forest, facing the huge waves in Australia, bungee-jumping and God knows what else. I was wondering how a person in their early twenties can achieve so much and when I asked them, they told me that they liked to live life as it's very short. That's what they've learnt, according to them, by their father's death who by the way died very young. They were pretty much alike, like brothers but not twins. They were muscular and tall, very tall actually, had short blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Vladimir and Milena, on the other hand, were very introvert people. Having been together, all alone, since they were little children made them suspicious about the exterior world. When both of their parents died in a terrible fire which cost them not only the only relatives they had but also their house, they were put in an orphanage from which they escaped after a while, as everyone there, was so cruel towards them. Shortly, they have never left each other's side no matter what. Milena was very beautiful. She had long, black hair, matching her ice blue eyes and her fair complexion. Vladimir was exactly the same and looked more like Alexander, although he was shorter than him. When I've asked them about their father and how they knew their parent's death wasn't just a coincidence, they replied that they had overheard that the fire in their house was an arson. And on the top of that, a few days after they had escaped from orphanage, they saw some strange people wandering around their destroyed house, obviously in search of something, in the middle of the night when most people were asleep.

Ten fathers were missing. Ten stories had been told. Ten secrets needed to be revealed.

Or maybe there was only one?

Author's Note: I know, it's not that interesting, but....

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