Chapter 88

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"Cassandra! Cassandra!"

What's going on? I asked myself. I felt a cold surface under me, in contrast with a pair of warm hands that was wrapped around me. I opened my eyes slowly.

"Elijah?" He sighed in relief. "What happened?"

"You passed out. But, thankfully, you are awake now." I tried to stand up. "Wait!" He said gently. "Are you sure you feel ok to stand up?" He asked worryingly.

"Yes, Elijah. Will you help me?"

"Of course." He said and helped stand again on me feet. I felt a little dizzy and I would probably have fallen, but for his arms that still held me tightly.

"Thank you." I said looking into his eyes.

"It was my pleasure." He replied smiling.

Then I remembered the reason I had passed out. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. I took the phone out of my pocket.

"What's going on?" He asked confused. I didn't reply to him, I had to find Caroline. I dialed her number, but she was talking.

Damn it, Caroline! I called Elena instead, knowing they would be together. Thankfully, she answered it.

"Hey, Elena, I need to talk to Caroline-" I was cut off by Caroline's screaming. I was breathless.

"Did you...?" Elena asked me hesitantly.


"Did you see who did it?"

"No... I didn't. I'm sorry." I could hear Caroline crying.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Is it Cassie?"

"Yes. She saw. But, she didn't saw the murderer."

"You had better get some rest. I'll call you later."

"Ok, I'm sorry about what happened. I'll stop by Caroline's house later."

"See you later, Cassie." Elena said and hung up.

"What happened?" Elijah asked beside me.

"Somebody killed Caroline's father. And he died having vampire blood in his system. But, although I don't know him very well, I'm sure he won't complete the transformation."

"But, he will die..." Elijah pointed out. I laughed sadly.

"What's the difference?" He lowered his head. "I should probably go home now. I need some rest."

"I'll take you." He offered.

"Ok, although I don't think your speed will do me any good."

"Don't worry about it." He replied smiling. I raised an eyebrow. That caused his smile to get even wider. Slowly he kneeled and lifted me bridal style.

"Elijah..." I tried to complain.

"Close your eyes." He whispered in my ear. I did as he said.

In a few seconds we were at my front porch. "Well, thank you."

"You are welcome." He replied with a sweet smile.

"I should go get some rest. I'll see you later."

"I hope so." He said.

I smiled and got in my house. Closing the door behind me, I rested my back on its wooden surface. I kneeled and soon enough I was sitting on the floor, trying to process what had happened today. It was too exhausted. I stood up in difficulty and went straight to my bed.

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