Chapter 55

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Cassie's P.O.V.

The blur in my mind had started to wear off. I could feel the soft bed under me, the sound of someone moving around... The smell of the room seemed familiar, but it wasn't anything like the smell of my home. That was when I remembered everything. I shot my eyes open.

"I see you are awake..." Alexander stated.

"How dare you kidnapping me???" I yelled.

"Well, I had your lover's approval."

"He is not my lover!!!" I yelled again.

"If you say so. And also, I have Christa's permission."

"You told my Granny?"

"Yes." He replied like nothing was happening. "How could you? She must be worrying sick, for God's sake!"

"She was already worrying sick, as you hardly even told her anything."

"It wasn't your choice to make!"

"Someone had to do that eventually. Do you think Klaus would let you live if he knew you have an affair with his brother?"

"I'm not having an affair with him!"

"The fact that you deny it all the time, only proves the opposite." I didn't reply. "You don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?" I asked him annoyed.

"You are either so selfish to see it or deeply in love with him. What happens if you die? Seriously, Cassandra! I ask you again. Do you think that guy Klaus would let you live? He will kill you for entertainment only. You don't get how many people will be affected by your death! What will happen to Christa? She has already lost a daughter, do you want to get through this again? She won't be able to handle it, Cassandra! You will destroy her too. And what about your friends? The friends you have known for your whole life! Even your boyfriend will be affected, as much as I hate to admit it, he seems to have real feelings for you. And I know my feelings mean nothing to you, but I can assure you I won't stay unaffected. So stop being so blind and look around you!"

His words hit me like a thousand knives. He was right. I hadn't thought anyone and especially my Granny. I didn't want her to get through so much pain again. No, I definitely didn't want that. Deeply inside, I knew the major reason for wanting to stay in Mystic Falls was to be close to Elijah. Not that I didn't care about Elena, Bonnie and Caroline, but I had completely forgot about the other people in my life. Alexander was so right. I had been so selfish this whole time. Not to mention that my behaviour has been hurting him for so long. And there he was, trying to convince me to think about something I should have myself. I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my face, until Alexander wiped them away, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so hard on you."

"No you are right. I'm the most selfish person I know." I said in between my sobbing.

"You are not. You are just a bit stupid. And a lot stubborn." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. I laughed.

"You were wrong earlier. When you said I didn't care about your feelings, you were wrong. I do care about you, you can't imagine how. Only it's not the way you would like."

"I know. Forgive me for saying that. I wasn't thinking. I was mad."

"I know. And you were right to be mad." He laughed.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." He said pulling me up with him and to the kitchen.

Later that day...

After a delicious breakfast made especially for me by Alexander, we spent the day playing board games. No one referred again to our morning fight and I didn't want to.

"Have you seen my cell phone?" I asked him, looking around.

"Why are you asking?"

"I want to call Elena." It took him a while to reply.

"I might have forgotten it at your house."

"Really, Alexander? Am I that untrustworthy?"

"Sorry, Cassandra. But, you have to stay out of Mystic Falls as much as possible. Including calling to your friends. Elijah said he would inform them."

"But, what if something happens?"

"They will contact me. Don't worry." I sighed in surrender.

"Oh my God!!!" I yelled.

"What?" Alexander said suddenly alerted.

"You are cheating!!!!" I yelled again, pointing at him accusingly.

Alexander's P.O.V.

We spent all day laughing and playing and teasing each other. Cassandra was such a nice person. So innocent... I shouldn't have spoken to her like that earlier, but it was enough to shake her up. She admitted it too. We played Scrabble and I had to admit she was better than me. Far better actually. She didn't brag though. She was about to form a word when she suddenly stopped. I raised my head to see what made her stop and I was shocked by her expression which revealed nothing but horror. In an instant, I realized she was having a vision.

"Cassandra what's happening???" I half-screamed, panicked remembering the first time I saw her having a vision. She didn't move. For a moment I thought she didn't even breath. The outburst came when I least expected it.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed.

"Calm down!!!!" I tried to make her hear me, but the only thing she could do was to scream. So, I embraced her, trying to calm down her trembling body, whispering comforting words in her ear.

When she was finally able to talk, I asked her what happened. She looked into my eyes, with agony giving them a darker shade of blue.

"Elena, Jena, John.... They are all dead!!!!!" She said before bursting into tears again. What could I tell her? How could I comfort her after what she saw?

The only thing I could do was to offer her a shoulder to cry on...

Author's Note: I'm sure no one expected this....

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