Chapter 5

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It was 9:00 p

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It was 9:00 p.m. and I was trying to hurry up. Bonnie would kill me if I wasn't there on time. I had no doubt she would and this is not an exaggeration. I arrived at the place where the party was held. The whole place was like camping, without the tents. People were dancing, making out and meanly drinking. I didn't like alcohol. In my opinion people who get drunk or drug 'for fun' they don't respect themselves. That's why I do not drink at all. Then, I noticed Caroline almost falling over Stefan, who by the way was heading to where Elena was. I sat on a bench near me and watched the whole scene. Caroline was talking to Stefan, who didn't go away because he wanted to be kind. And then Elena and Bonnie laughed about something. Elena gave Bonnie an empty bottle of bear and when Bonnie touched it, drew her hand away, just like she had seen something bad. Hmmm... I might not be the only one who sees strange things.

That was when Bonnie saw me and came by my side. Looking back at Elena, I couldn't help but smirk a bit as she was talking with Stefan.

"Hey, what happened girl? You seem upset."

"Oh, nothing really. I'm just drunk."

"You don't seem very drunk to me." She didn't answer.

"Come on you can tell me. I won't misunderstand you. I promise to my scoot honor." She smiled.

"Ok, but you won't tell anybody."

"We have established that. Go on."

"Well, I don't know what is happening to me, but when I touched this bottle, I saw Elena sitting at the cemetery and then a crow and a fog. It was really weird."

"You tell about weird things." I murmured.

"Well, I'll tell you something too, but I want you to promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Ok, I promise. What's that?"

"Last night I had a nightmare. I was in the woods walking when I came across the road that passes through it. There was a jeep and a man with a woman. They were very young. They were attacked by something, which seemed to be human but it wasn't. You know, evil eyes, fangs and blood. The morning I walk up, before I leave for school, the faces of these two were on television and underneath wrote missing. After school, when I went into a magazines shop, I look at the newspaper which wrote that their bodies were found and the specialists said it was an animal attack. So, which is worse?"

"Ah, I don't know what to say. It's..."


"Yes, kind of. I can't.... I can't believe it. Do you know why did you see that?"

"I don't. Do you?"

"Well, there is a rumor that my family is a bloodline of witches. But, I don't believe it much."

"That reminds me what Mr. Green had said "You don't accept supernatural as an option. But you have to know some things can't be explained logically". Don't you think it's weird?"

"Seriously, what is wrong with you? As I said previously you must have misunderstood him. Get over it!"

"Fine..." I replied giving up.

I was gazing at people walking near me and Bonnie. Then I realized I couldn't find anywhere Elena. Turning me head on the left, I saw her and Stefan walking on the wooden bridge and talking. I spent the rest of the night, dancing, talking to some classmates of mine and chatting with Bonnie, who by the way didn't mention again anything about what I told her.

Suddenly, Elena came without Stefan on her side. What's wrong? I thought. I was near the wooden cabin when Stefan showed up. He headed to Elena, but Caroline caught him again. She was offering to show something to Stefan with a very nasty way. Uh, that girl!

"I suppose you had too much drink." Stefan noticed.

"Of course I have! So..."

"Caroline, you and me... It's not gonna happen. Sorry."

With this answer, Caroline's angelic smile was dropped to the ground. I started to actually like this guy. Don't get me wrong, I love Caroline and she is one of my best friends. But, sometimes she needs to be taught that she can't have anything she wants.

The night and the party were coming well, when Elena came with Jeremy who was carrying Vicky the slut. She was bleeding. "Oh my God!" I didn't like her, but I didn't want her to die either. Matt had gone crazy. I made out him look daggers at Stefan, who stepped back and left. Everything happened really fast. An ambulance came to take care of Vicky. Matt went with them.

"This is just the beginning."

"The beginning of what?" I asked Bonnie who was talking to Elena.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that terrible things are going to happen." She was serious.

"I have to go home as soon as possible. If my Granny finds out about this, she will definitely freak out! If there are any news, please do not hesitate to call me."

"Since when you care about Vicky?" Bonnie asked in confusion.

"Since she is Matt's sister."

I reached home, Granny was awake waiting for me with a panicked expression on her face.

"I know what you are going to say. I am safe and sound, a bit shocked and I am extremely exhausted. Please don't ask for further details. I'm not in the mood right now. I need a shower and sleep. Goodnight." I didn't leave her much time to speak, as I went up the stairs quickly. I did as I said and soon I found myself in bed.

I was drifted to a sleep full of nightmares about fangs and blood.

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