Chapter 43

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Damon's P.O.V.

I was at the Grill with Ric and Andy and I was currently breaking my head to find a magical solution on killing Elijah. Ric was almost green from jealousy and he didn't help at all. Not to mention that the fortune teller had arrived half an hour earlier with a strange dude to her side, completely ignoring us and since then she was singing, dancing and generally parting with him and his friends without even caring to say hi. I wasn't sure if I should trust her, but something told me I should.

I was also pretty curious about Elijah's feelings for the fortune teller. What was going on between them? Although the fortune teller had been honest earlier, I wanted to know what he was thinking. A loud laughter interrupted my thoughts. It was coming from a girl that looked very identical with the fortune teller. They might be relatives. And talking about the fortune teller she was dancing with the guy with whom she had come earlier. His arms were wrapped around her waist and she seemed to have great fun. How would Elijah react seeing this?

As an answer to my question Elijah and Jena got in.

"Oh, here is Jena with her new boyfriend!" I said and greeted them.

"Hey guys!" Jena greeted back her face looking like Christmas tree. You know, very bright. .

"So I hear you too had a meeting of historical minds today."

"Yeah, I guess you could say it like that. Too bad Cassie didn't follow us. She might hate history, but she has an excellent memory. By the way, why does the Grill has today the music so loud?"

"Well, they were paid to have it loudly."

"What do you mean?"

"See for yourself." I said pointing to the bar, where the fortune teller and her gang were dancing their asses off.

Elijah and Jena stared shocked at the direction I had pointed them. Elijah more than Jena. And I could say that he was craving to grab her right now and do God knows what.

"Well, as much I would like to continue this, yet I have papers to grade." Ric ruined the moment catching Elijah's attention away from the fortune teller. He stood up to leave and then out of nowhere the fortune teller appeared with her heart beating faster and faster every second it passed and her cheeks had a shade of bright red.

"Hi!" She greeted as cheerfully.

"Hey fort- Cassie. It seems you have the time of your life up there." I said smirking.

"Yeah, indeed." She said trying to catch her breath. She took a quick glance at Elijah, before turning to Ric.

"Ric, I wanted to discuss about some extra classes I can take and some extra projects I could make to graduate earlier, if it's possible."
Oh, so the fortune teller wanted to get rid of us.

"Considering you had been away for a while you have a lot to catch up with. It will take a lot of effort and studying from your side, if you want to graduate earlier."

"Ok, I'm willing to try. What do I have to do?"

"Ask the other teachers. As far as history is concerned, you should bring me at least two projects."

"On what?"

"Whatever you like."

"Until when?"

"Until the end of the next month."

"Got it. Sorry Jena for keeping him busy with my projects."

"He is your teacher. It's his job." She replied shrugging.

"Sorry, for interrupting your conversation, but I'll have to steal this girl from you."

The fortune teller's friend came, wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her closer to his body. You should only see Elijah's face. It seemed like he was about to break the guys neck at any moment. The fortune teller laughed playfully.

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