Chapter 146

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Elijah's P.O.V.

She was gone. And she was never coming back. I never thought I would feel so helpless in my life. So alone. So lost. I held her in my arms, feeling the warmth drifting away. And my hope for her return along with it. I was fouling myself. This was my fault. If I had never gotten involved with Katherine, if I had come back to her, as I should have done, if I didn't fall for Hayley, she would be alive now. She would be here. But, instead she was dead. She was dead because of me. My mother was right. Now that her blood was on my hands, I realized how selfish I was.

We were in her room. I was sitting on her bed, holding her tightly. She seemed so peaceful, as if she was sleeping. But, the silence from her body reminded me that she wasn't.

"Brother?" I lifted my head only to face my beloved sister. "Oh my God..." She mumbled, tears filling her eyes. She approached us and sat on the bed, lifting her hand to stroke Cassandra's hair. "This is so unfair..." She mumbled.

"Yes, it is." I found the strength to answer. I hadn't realized I was crying until the image of my sister started blurring.

"Hayley told me about Cassandra's letter." I winced at the sound of Hayley's name. She was one of the reasons the woman of my life was not here. I didn't blame her. I only blamed myself. "If you let us prepare her..."

"No!" I shouted bringing Cassandra closer to me.

"Elijah, please think a little rationally. Her family is coming to get her. We are obliged to give her to them." I shook my head in denial. "And what will you do? Stay here, do nothing, keep her forever like this? The decomposition has already started. And you can do nothing to stop it."

"Maybe I can help with that." A young female voice echoed from the door. We both looked up to see Davina. "I can do a spell to preserve her body." She continued. Rebekah and I exchanged glances, before I nodded setting Cassandra on the bed and exiting the room.

I leaned on the rail of the balcony sighing. "Elijah..." I tensed at the sound of Hayley's voice.

"Are you ok?" She continued.

"No, I'm not ok." I replied without turning to look at her. "The love of my life is gone and it's my fault."

"No, Elijah, don't think like that." She responded, placing her hand on mine. I backed away from her touch.

"Don't you get it? This... thing we had... It's over. I cannot be with anyone else. I was meant to be with that woman."

"I understand your grief Elijah, but you have to move on some time in the future." She insisted.

"There is no future! There is no moving on! The only way for me to move on is to die!" I shouted. She took a step back startled by my outburst. "Forgive me. I shouldn't have talked to you like that." She lowered her head. "Just do me a favour and stay away from me. It's the best for both of us." I said walking away.

The walls of the compound suffocated me. I needed some air. Quickly I found myself roaming the streets of New Orleans like a madman. Soon, I came across a flower shop. The beautiful lilies on the display window caught my attention and I remembered Cassandra's birthday last year, when she bought lilies and roses to put on her parents graves. I got in the shop and the florist, a young girl in her middle twenties, greeted me with a large smile. I described the bouquet I had seen Cassandra buy and in no time she made an identical one. I paid, giving her a generous tip, before walking out.

Some people say that life goes on. I could see people around me laughing, kids playing in the streets, musicians trying to earn a living... Life definitely continued for them. But, the clock had stopped ticking for me a few hours ago, when Cassandra's heart had stopped beating. Guilt never left me and it continued to grow, as I remembered the way I had treated her a few moments ago. In her final moments. A single tear escaped my eye, as I remembered the look on her face when I said all these horrible things to her. It was love and it was forgiveness. I was so blinded that I saw none of them, if I had, maybe... No, I was fooling myself. There was no way to change what happened. But, she wouldn't have died knowing I hated her. I did not. I could not. How could I? She was the best thing that happened to me. She was my everything. And I was so blind to see it.

The sun had started setting and I decided it was time to return to the compound. When I entered everything was quiet. I found only my brother sitting on a coach, drinking scotch. I almost forgot how difficult it must have been for him. He had a special connection to Cassandra too. I had never seen him acting like this for a human. His pain was almost as great as mine. We exchanged glances, but said nothing to each other. I made my way upstairs to Cassandra's bedroom. Rebekah and Hayley were in there. And Cassandra... She was so beautiful... She was wearing a wedding dress that suited her perfectly and her hair was falling like a waterfall of red locks over her shoulders. I remained still gazing at her. How could I ever leave this woman?

Rebekah placed her hand on my shoulder, as a comforting gesture and quickly exited the room with Hayley following right behind her

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Rebekah placed her hand on my shoulder, as a comforting gesture and quickly exited the room with Hayley following right behind her. I sat on the edge of her bed, flowers in hand, still unable to take my eyes off her. I reached my jacket pocket and took out the sapphire ring I had once given to her. She had thrown it on the concrete, after seeing me with Elena. I put it on her ring finger. It fitted her perfectly. This ring was made for her. I was made for her. Sighing, I placed the bouquet of lilies and roses I was holding, between her hands, which were crossed on her chest.

"Why did you do this Cassandra?" I said, one of the very few times I had spoken that day. "Why did you do this to yourself?" I expected no reply. "I loved you." I admitted bursting into tears once more. "I always have. And I always will." I was crying like a small child. I had never thought I would experience a pain like this in my life. "I'll come find you." I said determined.

"I promise you, my love."

Author's Note: The wedding dress in the picture is the one Cassandra is wearing. It's a small chapter I know. I promise more action in the next. Love you all!!!!

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