#Deleted Chapter

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It was another day in the bayou and I don't know why, but there was a weird feeling in my stomach that never left. I knew something bad was going to happen and I could do nothing about it. Elijah had come this morning and now was inside a cabin talking with Hayley, Jackson and Oliver. I was just eating an apple and wondering around when the sound of a motorcycle was heard in the distance. I walked to where the engine of the motorcycle was and I arrived just in time to hear the guy riding the motorcycle asking who was in charge.

"Who is asking?" Jackson responded instead.

There was a long pause after that and then a big explosion followed. I was thrown back hitting a tree and then I fell on the ground. There were very little things that I remembered about the next few seconds.

The only thing that stood out was the pain in my abdomen and the feeling of something wet covering me. My eyesight was blurry because of the tears and my throat sore. I groaned in pain, but no one was around me to hear it. I was just laying there not knowing what was happening, having lost the perception of time. The only thing I could focus on was that unstoppable pain that became worse and worse every bloody second.

"Cassandra..." A male voice was heard. "I need help here!!!" It was Jackson. I could hear footsteps in the distance, approaching us.

"Cassandra!!!" Elijah exclaimed, kneeling next to me. He was the only one I could recognize at the moment. "Oh my God..." He said looking at my stomach.

I followed his gaze and horrified I saw a large tree branch sticking out of my abdomen and blood covering my entire shirt. I screamed. I didn't know whether it was from the pain or the sight, but that caused Elijah to take my hand in his and squeeze it.

"Look at me, look at me." He said cupping my face with his hand. I turned to look at him and I was lost in his beautiful brown eyes. "You are going to be ok, do you hear me? You are going to be ok." His voice was trembling. And he was trembling himself. I nodded tiredly, feeling my strength abandoning me every moment it passed.

"So what are we doing?" A female voice said. Hayley, I realized.

"She heals faster than an average human, but not fast enough. If we pull that thing out, she will bleed to death." Elijah explained.

"But, not if you heal her with your blood." Hayley pointed out. I squeezed Elijah's hand and shook my head negatively.


"Shhh, calm down my love... Calm down..." Elijah said stroking my hair. He turned to look at the others.

"Elijah?" Hayley said again.

"Pull it out."

"What? But, you said-" Hayley started, but Elijah cut her off.

"I know what I said. Do it." Then he turned to me with fear in his eyes. "Cassandra, this going to hurt a little, but I'm here. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you, ok?"

"Elijah, no..." I begged, knowing that he would feed me his blood once that stake was out.

He took one last glance at the others, before I felt a piercing pain and the stake being pulled out. I screamed. I screamed harder than I ever had in my entire life. Elijah embraced me trying to comfort me. The tears came out of my eyes continuously. Once the stake was out, I could feel the hole in my guts. Elijah lay me back down. I knew what he was about to do. I shook my head, begging him not to.

"I'm sorry, Cassandra. But, I cannot lose you." He bit his wrist and the next thing I knew was a bitter liquid coming down my throat.

A few hours later...

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