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"Yes, Caroline

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"Yes, Caroline. I'm packing." I said on the phone. Caroline had driven me mad the last couple of days. I was packing all my things, as I was about to move to Whitmore University, along with Elena, Bonnie and Caroline.

"Make sure you get everything, alright? We don't want you to get back to New Orleans every week, just to see Elijah." I laughed.

"I'm afraid that won't be a problem, since he will be joining me."

"What?!?!?!" Caroline yelled. I should be expecting this reaction from her.

"Relax, Caroline. It's not like I'm bringing him to sleep with us in the dorm."

"You won't right?" I rolled my eyes. That girl was impossible.

"No, he will be staying out of campus."

"So, you have him wrapped up your little finger, don't you?" I sighed at her mocking tone.

"Please, Caroline..." I begged her, but she didn't listen.

"I hope he doesn't get a teaching position, because that would be super awkward."

"Well, he wanted to, but I made him promise not to do it." Caroline laughed.

"What is wrong with you two? You are acting like you just had sex and can't stay away from one another for very long." I remained silent, which probably was not the best choice. "Oh my God! Cassandra Marie Christa Gold! Did you do it?" I sighed. Of course, she would figure it out.

"Look, Caroline I've still got a lot of things to pack, so I got to go."

"No, no, no. You are not going to avoid my question!" I groaned.

"Since, you've already got your answer why are you bothering me?" I asked a little pissed off.

"Because I like it." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I really need to go, I'll call you later, ok?"

"Liar." I groaned. "Ok, ok. Just remember to use protection!" I didn't want to comment on that, so I hung up the phone, dropping it on my bed, as I continued packing.

"Is everything ok?" His voice startled me, so I dropped the books I was holding on the floor.

"It's ok, I got it." I said before he could come near me.

I didn't want him to see that I was blushing like crazy only at the thought of him having heard my conversation with Caroline. So, I kept my back facing him and continued to do my job.

"So, this is it? We are leaving?" He said after a while.

"You are having second thoughts?"

"No, no. I just feel a little weird about leaving Niklaus alone." I laughed.

"He is a big boy now. He can take care of himself and his family. And besides if he ever passes the limit, Cami is here to bring him back."

"Yeah, that's true. That girl's ability to contain my brother can easily compete with mine." I laughed.

"After all these years, you definitely need a break from your baby brother."

"I couldn't agree more." He replied with a chuckle.

"And don't worry, we will be visiting. I intend to see my goddaughter as often as I can."

"Are you sure about this?" He asked making me smile. It was nice smiling again. I had missed it.

"Now, you really do sound like Alexander." I heard him groan and I chuckled. "After all this time, you are still jealous of him?" I asked, secretly enjoying it.

"Old habits..." I laughed again.

"Well, you don't have to worry. He found his soulmate. He and Davina are a perfect couple. And to answer your question, yes, I'm sure. Everything is fine here. Hayley is married to Jackson and her entire pack is protecting Hope. Not that she really needs it, since the curse I passed to her is still valid. Klaus is acting weirdly normal these days and everything is peaceful. Why not take a break from all the fighting and the killing? Having fun, maybe travel the world a little..."

Suddenly, I felt a strong pair of arms wrapping around my waist and my back was pressed against a hard, yet warm chest. "Maybe I could show the world to you..." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my body. He tightened his grip. He did that a lot since I came back.

"It's ok. I'm not going anywhere." I said touching his hand. He just nodded and changed the subject quickly.

"And since we are talking about the future..." He started.

"Yes?" I encouraged him, continuing to pack my staff.

"How do you intend to introduce me?" I frowned.

"I don't understand. How am I supposed to introduce you? As my boyfriend, of course." I could sense him frown.

"I'm too old to be a boyfriend. A fiancé on the other hand..." I scoffed at his words. He really wanted to have this conversation?

"Then, I'm too young to be a fiancée." I stated trying to ignore the fact that he had brought me closer to him.

"Well, I can always change your mind, can't I?" He said, before I felt his lips making contact with my neck. A small moan escaped my lips, as he continued his way down to the base of my neck and shoulders.

"Elijah, I still have to pack..." I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"It can wait..." He murmured against my skin. I groaned and turned around in his arms. His lips found easily their way on mine and I pressed my body closer to his, enjoying the pleasure his lips were giving me.

He was the first to pull away. He always did. "I love you." He said, trying to catch his breath. I pressed my forehead to his.

"I love you too. Always and forever." He smiled before pulling me again for another long kiss.

I knew it now.

No one could escape their fate.

Not me.

Not anyone.

My fate was to be with that man.

And I could not object.

After all....

It was foreseen.


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