Chapter 41

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Cassie's P.O.V.

Currently, I was at home, finishing my story. I had decided to give it a happy ending. Basically, I would always give a happy ending to my stories. They are so rare in real life. Suddenly, my eyes started aching. And it was getting worse and worse.

"What the hell?" I whispered when the familiar picture of my desk disappeared and was replaced by blackness. Then, the familiar picture of the Salvatore house appeared.

What am I doing here? I came face to face with Alaric who didn't notice me at all.

No way! That can't be a vision! Suddenly, Alaric was stabbed with a stake and fell to the ground unconscious.

That's definitely a vision!!! I thought having completely freaked out.

Then Damon appeared and he started fighting with someone. Eventually, that someone stabbed him with a needle that as I suspected contained vervain. And I was right because in seconds Damon was on the floor unconscious too.

Then, everything disappeared and I was in my room and my eyes aching like hell.

I have to warn somebody, I thought. Oh my God... My eyes were aching so much. I managed to reach the bathroom and I was shocked by what I saw in the mirror. The white of my eyes was red, red like blood. I started crying.

What had happened to me? Why me? I thought. I had a terrible headache but the pain in my eyes was worse.

Wake up Cassie! You need to warn someone. And then it hit me. I took my phone out of my pocket and called the Lockwood Mansion.

Let's just hope Elijah is still there... No one answered.

It appears I have to go there myself. I called again, but still no one answered. I washed my face and grabbed my car keys and a pair of sunglasses. The last thing I wanted was someone to see my eyes.

Fortunately, I arrived at the Mansion without causing any accident. But, the pain in my head and eyes was getting worse and worse.

Let's just hope he is here... I reached the door and knocked it. Ms. Lockwood was the one to open.

"Cassie, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?" She was looking at me as if I was insane. Of course wearing sunglasses when outside is pitch black, it's not the best way to show your sanity.

"Is Mr. Smith here? There is something I want to ask him."

"Yes, he is here. It was that important that couldn't wait until the morning?"

"Yes, could I talk to him please? I have something to ask him about a project." I sounded really desperate.

"Ok, this way." She said and pointed to the office. I walked in and faced a very astonished Elijah.

"Sorry Elijah, she said she had something important to ask you about a project of hers..." Ms. Lockwood explained.

"So what is it?" Elijah asked.

"Could you please leave us alone for a moment?" I asked Ms. Lockwood. She looked at Elijah who just nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

"So what is your project about?" He said with a smile.

"That was a lie. I need your help." By the tone of my voice he understood it was really important.

"What's wrong?"

"I know the deal you have with Elena to protect her friends and family..."

"Yes, what's the problem?"

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