Chapter 15

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Half an hour later we were sitting in the kitchen, with cups of tea in our hands.

"So, explain me what all this fuss is about."

"My dear honey, you have no idea in what world we live. You think everything is normal. But, I can't keep lying to you. You have to know the truth." As she saw I didn't protest or make any comment she continued after a big sigh.

"First of all I will tell you what is really happening in Mystic Falls. I assume you have noticed all these attacks. All the victims were completely drained from blood and police said it was an animal that attacked them. But, as I said I've got to tell you the truth. And the best way to tell something bad is the straight one. Those who attacked these people are not animals. They are vampires." I

was completely speechless. Not only because my Granny had just admitted she was aware of the existence of vampires, but also because I wasn't as shocked as I should be due to the stupid 'visions' I see all the time. However, that didn't make me less astonished.

"Vampires?" I asked again in disbelief wanting all these stuff just to be a bad joke.

"Yes, honey, vampires. I know it's a big shock, but unfortunately it's true. And I have a feeling, deep inside, you knew it too."

"What are you talking about? And how do you know that vampires attacked those people?"

"Do you remember the Founders' Council party?"

"Yes, you had stayed a bit longer because you had to give some instructions to Mrs. Lockwood who wanted to organize a festival for traditional cuisine."

"I regret lying to you about that."

"You lied to me?"

"Yes, from the time this city was founded there was a close circle that handled city's problems."

"Such as vampire problems?"

"Yes, mainly vampire problems. This circle was secret and if anyone said something to a person out of it, had a serious punishment."

"So, why are you telling me?"

"You are considered to be member of this circle when I won't be here anymore."

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain that later. First, we need to make clear why Mystic Falls is no longer safe." And without waiting for my reply she continued talking.

"This circle is consisted of the mayor of the town, the sheriff, the local journalist and some other special people. There is absolute secrecy between the members and if one gets caught they die without revealing the names of the others."

"So, I assume you can't tell me the names of whom the council is consisted of today."

"No, I can tell you. Each member has the privilege of choosing one person to share the secret. I chose you. Today, the council is consisted of Mayor Lockwood, his wife Carol, Sheriff Forbes, Logan Fell, the journalist and me. There are of course some people who help to deal with the vampire problems. But, the decisions are only taken from us."

"Then why the police said that they were animal attacks? Why didn't they tell people the truth?"

"Imagine what would be the reaction of the mass. Everyone wanted to avoid a panic wave from breaking out."

"You have a point." I said taking a sip from my tea.

"Do you know who are these vampires?"

"The rest of the council doesn't know anything about their identity. But, I do."

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