Chapter 139

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It was another day in the bayou and I don't know why, but there was a weird feeling in my stomach that never left. I knew something bad was going to happen and I could do nothing about it. Elijah had come this morning and now was inside a cabin talking with Hayley, Jackson and Oliver. I was just eating an apple and wandering around when the sound of a motorcycle was heard in the distance. I walked to where the engine of the motorcycle was and I arrived just in time to hear the guy riding the motorcycle asking who was in charge. "Who is asking?" Jackson responded instead. There was a long pause after that and then a big explosion followed.

I was thrown back hitting a tree and then I fell on the ground. There were very little things that I remembered about the next few seconds.

The only thing that stood out was the pain.

Elijah's P.O.V.

The explosion had resulted in an extensive damage in the bayou. Many people got hurt, but fortunately there were no casualties. I was helping in getting the wounded in a safe place, when Jackson's voice echoed among the chaos.

"I need help here!!!!!" I rushed to his aid, only to face a scene I dreaded for a long time now. The woman I loved on the verge of death.

"Cassandra!!!" I exclaimed kneeling next to her and taking her hand in mine.

She was breathing. She was still breathing. But, not for long if I didn't do something to help her. I turned my gaze horrified, towards the large branch sticking out of her abdomen, the blood covering her entirely. She wouldn't survive such a blood loss. I turned my gaze towards her face again. She didn't seem to perceive what was happening. She was breathing in difficulty and I knew the pain was too much for her to handle.

"Oh my God!" Hayley exclaimed reaching us. I ignored her. I was at a loss. For the first time in my life, I didn't know what to do. Cassandra's situation left me with very few options and I didn't like that. "What are we going to do? She can heal fast, can't she?" Hayley spoke again.

"She heals faster than an average human, but not fast enough. If we pull that thing out, she will bleed to death." I explained.

"But, not if you feed her your blood." I frowned. I knew how much Cassandra despised vampire blood. She was a vampire huntress, after all.

"I know." Suddenly, I felt a small squeeze on my hand. I lifted my eyes to Cassandra.

"Elijah..." A whisper came out of her mouth. I leaned closer to her.

"I'm here, I'm right here my love." I replied stroking her hair.

"Don't... Please..." She knew. She had heard us.

"Everything is going to be ok. Do you hear me? Everything is going to be ok." I took a deep breath and turned to Hayley and Jackson.

"Pull it out." Hayley's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Yes, pull it out." I focused on Cassandra. She was trembling. I touched her forehead and my suspicions were confirmed. She was burning. The wound must have been infected, which caused the fever. "Cassandra, listen to me. This is going to hurt a little, ok? You'll be ok."

Her breathing was unstable. I took one last glance at the others, giving them the approval to move on. When they pulled the stake out abruptly, a piercing scream escaped Cassandra's lips, cracking my heart. I brought her closer to my chest and tried to comfort her. I could feel her pain. I looked at her abdomen where a large hole was left, after the removal of the branch.

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