Chapter 125

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Elijah's P.O.V.

The bite was getting worse and worse and I was afraid I would hurt Hayley. I pleaded her numerous times to leave me, but she didn't listen.

"Elijah, may I ask you something?" She said after a period of silence.

"Of course."

"Why Cassandra was so pissed off with Klaus biting you, when she clearly believed that you deserved it?" I sighed.

"It is a very long story."

"The only thing we have out here is time." She pointed out.

"It's a connection me and Cassandra share."

"What kind of connection?"

"You know Cassandra apart from a vampire huntress, she is a prophetess too. Every prophetess has a soulmate. I was hers."

"What?" She asked wide-eyed. "What does this mean? I mean she had told me you two were together for a while."

"It means that she can feel everything I feel and the other way around."

"Wait, how is this possible? How long had you been dating anyway?" A sad smile spreaded across my face.

"One day."

"One day?!?!?!" She exclaimed surprised.

"The best day of my life. You might think this is absurd, but you can't imagine how strong my feelings were for Cassandra. I would give my life for her."

"And what happened?"

"My mother happened. But, our relationship was never going to work. I put her between me and her friends. I could see this hurt her and I couldn't do this anymore. I made some pretty bad decisions. And that's why I left her."

"And she was that angry with you because you left her? She wasn't the first or the last."

"I wish it was that simple."

"Explain it to me then." She said shrugging.

"Being somebody's soulmate is more than a crush. It's something bigger. You haven't felt it, that's why you can't understand what I'm saying to you. But, apart from leaving her, I betrayed her in the worst possible way." She remained silent waiting for me to continue. "I slept with the enemy." She knitted her brows.

"You moved on Elijah. That's not a bad thing. Cassandra should accept it and move on too."

"It's not that simple!" I shouted making her jump. "Forgive me." I said feeling bad about my outburst. "I loved her. And I killed her. She turned her humanity off because of me. I destroyed her. I will never forgive that to myself."

"She doesn't seem destroyed to me."

"That's because you didn't know her before. She was the most amazing creature, so full of light. And I crashed that light in her."

"Don't blame yourself for what happened." I shook my head. She was never going to understand what Cassandra and I really had.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore, please." She nodded, probably understanding my reasons.

Hayley's P.O.V.

Elijah's condition was getting worse. I hated Klaus for what he did. Was it necessary to sleep with him? I would never be in this mess if I didn't. I was outside getting some water, when I heard Elijah's groans. I rushed inside to his side, reassuring him that everything was going to be ok. But, when I put my hand on his forehead, images of a very beautiful woman taking her bath, filled my mind.

"Celeste..." Elijah whispered touching my arms. I quickly removed my hand from his forehead and looked elsewhere, since it was so awkward. "Hayley, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."

"Celeste?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied out of breath.

"Whoever she was, she was smoking hot." I commented, which left him by surprise.

"How...? Did I let you into my thoughts?" He shook his head and tried to stand up. "I'm not well. I should go." A new wave of coughing came.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on the door. "Well, well, well... What have we got here?" This voice belonged to only one person I knew.


Author's Note: Hey guys!!!! You can't imagine how much I wish for exams to be over! Partly, because I want to get back to updating frequently. Now, I'll probably update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It depends. The second subject went well. Four left to go. I know, it's a small chapter, sorry for that. I can literally see you saying every bad word you know to Hayley.... Tell me what you think in the comments. Love you all!!!!

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