Chapter 37

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Cassie's P.O.V.

The next day was dedicated to the Barbecue that Booster Club organized. I didn't understand how everyone is up to organize an event almost every week. Aren't they tired or bored? Probably not. I got prepared quickly, as I had promised Caroline to help her. I would be dead if I was late. I grabbed my things and got in my car turning on the engine.

At school everyone was busy doing their own part of the work, while some others were just hanging around doing nothing

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At school everyone was busy doing their own part of the work, while some others were just hanging around doing nothing. It was easy for me to spot Caroline, considering the crowd of students that were moving around like bees.

"Hi, Caroline. What's up?"

"Thank God! I thought you would never come!"

"I promised you I would come. And so I did! What do you want me to do?"

"Well, at first I need you to help with the table setting and then we see."

"Ok, big boss!" I said laughing and left.

The table setting was quite easy. Red and white plaid tablecloth, baskets of medium size containing some forks and knives. It was really helpful for me to be occupied with something to do. It prevented me from thinking what happened last night.

Once all the tables were set, I was looking for Caroline to assign me with my next task. There were more people now than the moment I came, which made it even more difficult. Every student of the Mystic Falls high school was there looking forward to eat. There were also some guys that had already started drinking bears. Gosh! I thought being fed up with their immature behaviour. That's why I couldn't find a boyfriend. Because all boys in this age the only thing that they are actually thinking is drinking and sex. Ok, maybe not all the guys, but a great number of them...
Finally, after a lot of searching and wandering around I found Caroline who told me to go and check the provisions and give her a detailed report.

"Please no mistakes." She said handing me a notebook.

"Yes sir!" I said and moved to the backyard where the provisions were kept.

After about half an hour I finished my report. The baking was starting soon, so I had to hand Caroline the report to check that everything was perfect. Sorry guys, that's Caroline, always chasing perfection.

"Here!" I said handing Caroline the report.

"So, everything seems... to be all right." She said after examining the report for a few minutes.

"So what's next?"

"Nothing you are free."

"Really?" I asked her my eyes wide from the shock.

"Yes. I thought not overload you with work, in order to turn up the next time to help. Have fun."

"Is something bothering you?" I asked before leaving.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" She replied.

"I'm not talking about you letting me go. Although, I was just taken aback. Take some time to think about it. You will find out what you want eventually." I advised her.

"Thanks Cassie. I will."

"No problem."

I wasn't very fond of staying at the barbecue, so I decided to leave.

"Hey babe!" Someone shouted. Probably not addressing to me. "Come on! Don't turn me down! You with the pink hat."

Holy shit!!! I thought.

I turned around to see a very drunk football player. I recognized him from the practice. I turned my back to him not wanting to even look at him. I heard footsteps behind me and soon I felt a strong hand grabbing my waist.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"What's up baby? You pretend to be difficult, but you shouldn't. I'm already very fond of you." He said sending his nasty breath right in my face which made me want to throw up.

"What the hell do you want??? Leave me alone!!!" I yelled again, scanning around for someone to help me.

"Oh, you should be more respectful, you pretty one."

"I respect only those who deserve it. And guess what. You don't. Leave me now!!!" I demanded emphasizing the last words.

"No way sweetheart. You and I are going to the back of the school to have... a little chat."

"That's what it's called now?" I yelled annoyed. He laughed like an insane person would.

"Come on..." He said grabbing my waist harder.

"I said leave me now!!!" I yelled trying frantically to free myself, with no success.

He was way too strong for me. I searched for help, but the only people being there were his friends who were laughing at my reaction, obviously drunk too.

"Help!!!" I yelled for once again, but no one came to my rescue. Where was supposed to be the prince on the white horse?

I was still trying desperately to free myself from his grip when I heard a voice, I wouldn't expect to hear at that moment.

"I suggest you leave the lady alone!"

Author's Note: Just a filler... I know it's boring, but ....

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