Going Back

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Tobin POV

"No, I'm not saying never, I'm saying not now." I was explaining to Cindy that we wanted a break from touring.
"Because we're exhausted, and we wanna spend more time in the studio to work on music." I said.
"You sure it's not so you can spend more time with your girlfriend?" Ash joked.
"No, Brooke is not the reason." I said punching Ash in the arm.
It's been about six months since that night with Alex. Honestly I'm not sure what I was expecting to happen after that night, but I wasn't hoping for not seeing her after.
"We're gunna go back to Jersey, and just practice like we did before, do it our way." JJ said.
"Ok, you got it." Cindy responded, "I'll book you guys on a flight. It leaving in an hour."
We started packing then jumped in a cab. As we got on the plane I took a picture of all of us boarding. I tweeted the picture along with, "Heading back to Jersey! Can't wait to go home!". The flight was about five hours long. Ash and JJ were out like lights in the first 20 minutes, but I stayed up and talked to Kelley.
"Tobs, can I ask you something?" She said.
"Yeah sure."
"Ok, be honest, where do you see this whole thing with Brooke going? I mean, it just seems like you're waiting around for something else, or someone else."
I rolled my eyes, "Kel, enough with all the shit about Alex. We're done, through, over, gone."
"Yeah but do you want that? Do you want Brooke?" We were whispering in order to not disturb everyone on the plane.
"I love Brooke." I whisper yelled.
"That's a lie and you know it."
"It is not!"
"Why are you even dating Brooke?"
"Because I love her."
"Tobs, I'm not sure if you see this, but she's just like Alex. But worse."
"Brooke is the best thing that ever happened to me!"
"Why are you with her?"
"To forget about Alex alright!"
My eyes widened a bit. Sure part of me knew why I was with Brooke but I never said it out loud. Kelley looked at me for a second, like she already knew I would say that.
"You know, last night, before I fell asleep, it happened again. I let myself think about her. Everything. All the memories came rushing back. Every time she walked up behind me and wrapped her hands around my waist. Every time she whispered in my ears. All the times she took my hands and put them on her waist, asking me to hold her closer. Every time she put her head in the crook of my neck and let out a long happy sigh. Every time she told me to dance with her, and when I disagreed how she took my hands and led me through a dance. Every time she asked for a piggy back ride, to which I happily agreed to. And all the times she leaned up to lock her lips with mine. How she'd tug at the sides of my shirt and pull me closer to her until our bodies were pressed together. And even then, how she'd keep pulling, wanting to be closer to me. And how her hands would find their way up to my neck and pull me down to her. How her breath would hitch when I told her I loved her and how she'd bite her lip when I looked at her. How she'd hold my arm as we walked and squeeze it when she got scared. How she'd hold my face in her hands to tell me she loved my back. And how she'd smile uncontrollably when I complimented her. Kel, everything she did, was beautiful. And you know, no matter how many times I fall in love after her, I'll always miss everything about her. She'll always be the one that got away."
She put a hand in my knee, "She doesn't have to be." She whispered.
I shook my head, "It's too late Kel, she's over it. I think it's for the best if I just try to make things work with Brooke and let her have her own life."
I closed my eyes and slouched down.
"We're not done with this." Kelley said mimicking my actions.
"Well I'm tired so we are for now."
I slept through the rest of the flight and a car picked us up to take us back to my house. I scrolled through my phone when we got in the car when I new Twitter notification came up.
"Alex Morgan liked your tweet"

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