Due Date

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Tobin POV

One full week. A week after Alex's due date. I was in just as much pain as she was. Every other minute was complaining. She was lying on the couch groaning as I sat on the floor by her head.
"This is literal hell." She said.
"Tell me about it." I mumbled.
"Excuse me?" She asked. She'd gotten more irritable during this week.
"Nothing dear." I said staring straight ahead. I don't know why, but something about her that second made her look so beautiful. I looked at her stare at the ceiling. She turned her head to look at me.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing." I shrugged.
"Tobin what?" She asked.
"Nothing, you just, you look really good." I said. She scoffed.
"What? Does this turn you on?" She joked. I shrugged again.
"What if it did?" I asked. She laughed.
"Tobin I'm carrying triplets, this can't possibly turn you on."
"In any state, my wife, you arouse me." I said, standing up to climb onto her.
"I've never felt uglier." She said. I leaned down to kiss her.
"And yet you've never looked more beautiful." I said. She let out a laugh throwing her arms around my neck.
"God you're a liar." She giggled.
"Please. There's nothing you could do to make me now find you incredibly sexy." I said kissing her neck.
"I'm gunna throw up." She said. I paused.
"Yup." I said climbing off her. I jumped up and helped her up. I walked her to the bathroom just in time for her to throw up in the toilet. I pulled her hair back and rubbed her back.
"You know this reminds me of that time we had a party for the record release and you had a bit too much to drink." I laughed. She glared back at me but laughed a little bit. She washed her mouth out and we walked back to the living room.
"How're you feeling?" I asked her.
"Weird. Usually after I throw up I don't feel sick, but I still do." She said sighing out.
"You want me to call the doctor?" I asked. She nodded as she sat down rubbing her temples. I called the doctor and sat next to her.
"Doctor Cotler, its Tobin Heath, and Alex Morgan." I said. He asked us what was wrong.
"Well, Alex just threw up and she said after she usually feels better but this time-" we both didn't hear what he said next. Alex let out a pretty loud scream.
"Tobin. Tobin! Ah ok I think the babies are coming!" She said. I dropped the phone and grabbed the suitcase I'd packed for this day. I ran around getting jackets, keys, anything we'd need.
"Ok ok I think we got everything. Let's go." I ran outside closing the door. I put all the stuff in the trunk and got in, closing the door. I started the car and buckled in.
"Ready?" I asked turning to the passenger seat. It was empty. I looked back to the house. I got up and ran back.
"Ok. I got the keys. Got the clothes, but forgot the wife." I said.
"Yeah you did." She laughed. I went to help her to the car but she grabbed my arm to stop me.
"Hey," she said, "we're having a baby." She whispered.
"We're having a baby." I smiled back. She kissed me and took my hand.
"Let's do it." I said.

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