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Tobin POV

A few weeks went by. I'd stopped talking to Alex and started wallowing in my own misery. I left her alone and kept to myself. Kelley didn't really bug me about it, which I appreciate, and I'd started talking to Brooke more, enough that she decided to come down and spend some time down here.
"Tobin!" She said running through the door. I smiled and hugged her as she dropped her bags to see me.
"Hey guys!" She greeted my friends.
"Hey, hi." They mumbled. I gave them a glare.
"Hey! Hi! Brooke, how was your flight?" They perked up.
"Good good." She smiled at them.
"Help me unpack?" She asked me. I nodded and we walked to my room. I helped her unpack her stuff. It was 8 o'clock, so starting to get dark.
"So what'd you wanna do?" I asked.
"Let's take a drive around town." She said. I got up and got my keys from the nightstand and put my hand out. She took it and I led us to the car. I drove around showing her all the places I liked.
"This is the bar we'd always play at."
"Here's the park we'd hang out in."
"That's our favorite breakfast place."
"And that's-" she cut me off.
"Tobin watch out!" I looked out towards the road to see a figure walking across the street with a their hood up and head down. They had ear buds in and seemed to be unaware of how close I was to them. I slammed on the breaks and honked my horn at them. They looked like, no pun intended, a deer in headlights. They were shocked and scared. I looked at them and what I saw scarred the shit out of me.
We started at each other for a few seconds, her remaining in her spot in the street.
"Tobin?" Brooke said. I turned to her.
"Brooke, listen, I know this girl, and it's getting dark. Take my keys, go back to my house, I'm gunna walk her home, ok?" I asked.
"Alright." She leaned in and kissed me and we got out of the car. Then she got back in and drive away.
"Alex?" I asked. "You ok?"
She nodded, "Yeah yeah, sorry."
"No no, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention." We kinda stood there moving around each other.
"Hey um, it's getting kinda late, you want me to walk you home?" I asked.
"Oh um, yeah sure." We stared walking back to her house. After about two or three blocks I had to ask.
"So, what were you doing, walking alone in the dark, by yourself?" I said with my hands in my pockets.
"Just, thinking." She said.
"About?" I asked hesitantly.
"Brianna and I broke up." I didn't know what to say.
"She said we just weren't right for each other." I couldn't help but feel responsible for this.
"I know you may not believe it coming from me, but I'm really sorry Lex." I put a hand on her back to show sympathy and she nodded. We got to her house and walked up the steps.
"Alright well then I guess..." I started. We both nodded, then she said something that caught me off guard.
"Do you, wanna come inside? Nobody's home again, and it's late, and I'm still a little freaked out from the whole car thing." She stood half inside the house half outside. I thought about Brooke.
"Yeah sure." It's like I didn't have control over my own words.
"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked as we sat on the couch.
"Yeah sure, have anything in mind?" I asked.
She put on a movie that I didn't catch the name of and we watched as the opening credits rolled in.
"Oh I'll make popcorn." she said. She got up and I followed her.
"I'll help you out." She ran downstairs and got the popcorn and I out it in the microwave. I got some juice from the fridge and she out two glasses out for me. I poured the juice in cups. As she took the popcorn to the living room. I picked up the glasses and went to take them back. I didn't know Alex was coming around the bend. As I turned she walked right into me, spilling the juice all over me.
"Oh my god Tobin I'm so sorry!" She said.
"It's alright, at least I held onto the glasses." She gave me a small smile as I out the glasses down. She ran over and grabbed a rag.
"But still, all over your shirt and jeans." She started rubbing the juice off my shoulder.
"The jeans were five bucks Lex." I laughed.
"Still," she rubbed the rag closer to my neck. "Now you're down a pair of jeans."
"I'll survive." I said looking down at her. She picked her head up to look at me.
"It'll be ok." I whispered. We looked at each other for a while until slowly, we both leaned in and our lips met. It was gentle and soft. The rag fell to the floor and her hands found their way to my neck, mine to her waist. We moved in sync until I pulled back. I looked at her for a second.
"Alex I, I can't do this." I said.
"What?" She asked.
"I can't keep being your second choice." I said.
"But you're not, when are you gunna understand that?" She asked.
"Was I supposed to? Because you yelling at me and telling me you didn't want us together made it quite clear Alex, so, sorry, that must've been my mistake."
"Ugh that is so like you to just blame this on me." She said.
"Well what did I do wrong?" I yelled.
"You can't open your damn eyes to see how hard that was for me, not being able to be with you."
"You said you didn't wanna be with me! You said we couldn't be together. That we were a mistake!"
"Well maybe it was a mistake!"
"Will you pick a damn side? Because it's so hard to try and guess what you're thinking Alex!"
"It's not that simple Tobin!"
"Yeah it is! Either you love me or you don't."
"Well what's your answer?" She said.
"That doesn't matter right now."
"Well it sure as hell isn't you who's typical! Whenever I see you I don't know if I'm gunna get kissed or screamed at!"
"Did you ever think that could be your fault?"
"Oh yeah yeah, it's my fault that you can't make up your fucking mind Alex."
"Jesus Christ, nothing is ever your fault is it Tobin?"
"Oh you know Alex, would you please enlighten me on how the hell this is my fault?"
"Oh my fucking God, I can't even talk to you."
"You know what, why are you getting so fucking pissed? You're the one who ended it in the first place Alex!"
"Yeah because I was mad at you not because I stopped loving you!"
We stood in silence, frozen by our own words. I looked at her unsure if what to say next.
"But you just left again. You stopped loving me and that was it." She said said, tears brimming her eyes. I took her hands, "Hey hey hey, I never once stopped loving you. I stopped trying so hard, because clearly I wasn't getting anywhere."
"You're always gunna get somewhere with me." She said. I leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It quickly grew harder and more aggressive. She pushed my jacket off my shoulders and I slid it off my arms and threw it in the table. I let her walk me back in the living room, the movie we once watched now becoming background noise. She pushed me back onto the couch and sat on my lap. She wrapped her arms around me. I bent down to untie my shoes and slipped them off. I pulled her shirt off, only letting our lips separate for half a second. I unbuttoned her jeans.
"What's about Brooke?" She pulled away to ask but then kissed me again.
I pulled away, "I'll worry about it later." I lunged for her again.
"You know what?" She said.
"What?" I asked.
"I think you have too much clothing on." She whispered in my ear. She pulled my shirt off and I flipped us so she was under me. And the rest of that night, well, common decency prevents me from telling you the rest.
I woke up on the couch with Alex in my arms. I kissed her head and she woke up immediately after.
"Hey" I said still kissing her.
"Hey" she responded as she let her head rest into my shoulder.
"Last night was..." She trailed off.
"Yeah, I know." I said with a laugh. She sat up.
"Cmon, I'll make you breakfast." She said.
I stood up and then dat right back down.
"Shit Lex." I said.
"What's wrong?" She came running back over.
"My fucking eyes." I said rubbing them, "it's those, one a day contact lenses, I've had them in for too long, and now they're burning my eyes and I can barely see." I said.
"Ok, cmon, we'll take em out." She led me to the bathroom and I took them out and threw them away.
"Ok now my eyes aren't burning, and that's great and all Lex, but I can't see." I laughed. She came running downstairs with something in her hands. It was a pair of glasses, she put them on my face and took a step back.
"How about now?" She asked.
"Perfect." I readjusted them, "How'd you get my glasses?" I asked.
"You left them here one night and I just never got the chance to give them back. That...and I like wearing them." She blushed and I laughed as I kissed her on the head. I sat at her dining room table as she made some breakfast for us. I sipped the coffee I'd made, my eyes still heavy from sleep.
"I have a question." Alex said still facing the stove.
"I might have an answer." I said. She didn't speak until she turned around with two plates of pancakes in her hand. She put one in front of me and leaned over so she was my height.
"Do you believe in soulmates?" She asked.
I looked up for a second and thought.
"No." I said. "I don't believe in soulmates, not exactly. I don't think that there's only one perfect person out there for everybody. I don't think you get one shot and that's it. I don't believe in that because you have no idea what's out there. You're never gunna know the people you never met, the lives you never got to be apart of. But I do believe in love. That you could love someone with all of your being. And you know what I also don't believe in? Coincidence. Think about it. You an I, we're both put on this planet, and out of the entire world, in the same town, and out of the 4.5 billion years the earth has been around, at the same time. I mean that's gotta count for something. I believe there's a reason we got together. I believe in that head over heels love, the kind that leaves a permanent smile on your face. The kind that keeps you awake at night. And even if I don't believe in soulmates, if there is such a thing, I wanna be yours."
She leaned across the table and gave me a long passionate kiss.
"That's all I needed to hear." She whispered. We are the rest of our breakfast making conversation that neither of us would remember later.
"Alright I've gotta go." I said getting up.
"Oh leave your jacket, I'll wash it for you." She said.
"You sure?" I asked. She walked over and gave me a kiss.
"Positive." With that I said a goodbye and left. I was about a block firm my house when I got a text from Ali.
We need to talk.

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