As a Person

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Tobin POV

"And another thing, Kelley! You can just go walking around here eating, and then touching the controls with greasy fingers! It's gross. How would you like it is I got grease all over the piano?" Our temporary manager had been yelling at us for 20 minutes by now. She was an older woman, with a long nose, classic gray hair and small round glasses. She also always wore an unflattering shade of pink...but that was not what I needed to think about now. She was basically a glorified babysitter. God I wished Jeff could start earlier. These "talks" have been getting more and more frequent recently, and today, was probably the worst day one could happen. Right after practice I was supposed to meet Alex at a local restaurant to meet with our sperm donor. I looked down to check my watch, 15 minutes late, Alex would not be happy.
"And sometimes, you just leave your shirts everywhere! First of all, how do you leave without shirts, and second of all, who do you think has to pick all that up?" She said pointing to herself. I kinda blanked out of the conversation.
"Um Mrs. Atkins, I know this is important, but I really need to go meet my wife. It's really important and I'm already late." I pleaded. She looked me up and down o eve or twice before grumbling.
"Alright fine, Tobin go, but only Tobin." She said to my friends. They rolled their eyes and sighed. I thanked her and ran over to get my jacket and backpack. As I was leaving, when her back was turned to me, I gave my friends the finger and rushed out. I heard them mumble something and grunt. I laughed to myself as I ran down the stairs to get to the parking garage. I loaded my stuff in the car took off. The drive wasn't far, in fact it was somewhat relaxing. I pulled up to the restaurant a few minutes later and hustled out of the car. I walked in to see Alex talking to him. I rushed over and kissed her on the head.
"I'm so so sorry babe, the temp manager was chewing us out for one of Kelley's stupid things again." I said taking a seat. She shook her head saying it was fine and took my hand.
"Tobs, this is Craig." I put my hand out to shake his but he just stood there.
"You, you're, you're Tobin Heath! How did I not know this!" He said. I smiled and nodded.
"I love your music." He said.
"Thank you, thank you, that means a lot." We talked for maybe 20 minutes about music before Alex stopped us.
"So, do you think you're ready to sign the parenting forms?" She asked. He looked at her with hesitation.
"Look uh, I was totally fine with this before, but now that I know Tobin Heath is one of the moms, do you think maybe I could, stay in contact with the kid?" He said. We looked at him dumbfounded.
"But, the point of this is for it to be our child." Alex gestured to us.
"I know I know, but, this is Tobin Heath." He said.
"Yeah, I'm well aware of that, believe me, is know, I married her." Alex said a bit louder. I put an arm around her.
"No, I can't calm down right now Tobs." She said, not even giving me a chance to say it.
"Ok, listen Craig, you seem like a nice guy, could you just, please sign the forms so we could start having a baby?" I asked nicely, hoping to get through to him.
"It's just, I don't think I can anymore, if you're raising it, I'd wanna be in contact." He said.
"Craig cmon, please. This is insane." Alex put her head in her hands.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you if I can't stay in contact." He said while getting up. At this Alex starts to full on sob.
"It's ok babe, we'll find other donors." I said.
"I don't want another one Tobin, he was you, it was perfect. It just fell into place." She kept crying. I let out a sigh.
"Ok, hang on." I got up and started to run after him. I saw him walking to a car so I ran to catch up.
"Craig! Craig! Wait up!" I yelled.
"Changed your mind?" He asked happily.
"No, listen. We really need you to do this for us. If not for us, then for me." I said.
"I already told you my terms-" she started.
"Listen pal your 'terms' are irrational, and immoral. You know just as well as I do that when you sign on for this, anyone could ask for your sperm."
"And you know as well as I do that I can refuse to anyone." He said. I let out a sigh.
"Listen, my wife's an incredible woman, she's devoted and caring, and don't tell her I said this, but the woman is always right. I love her more than anything in this world. And I really want a kid. And when that day finally comes I'll learn how to be a good parent. But my wife? She's already there. She's a mother without a baby. And it kills me that I can't give her a baby. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it. And I know it's not my fault, or hers, or anyone's. I just wish, that there was more I could do. Because I hate seeing her like this." He looked at me, focused.
"Have you ever been in love Craig?" I asked. He shook his head. I smiled up at him.
"It's, unlike anything in this world. It's like, there's this person, and of course they're their own person, but it's also like they're a piece of you. You wouldn't be whole without them. And I think, that's why when something bad happens to them, you feel their pain. So once you understand that, you want to do everything in your power to make sure they never feel pain again." I said. He looked straight ahead taking in the words.
"And this is one of those times." I said, he made eye contact with me.
"I can't let Alex feel the pain of having a child taken from her, and I won't let it happen. So Craig, I'm not asking out as Tobin Heath. I'm not asking you as a rock star. I'm not even asking you as a musician. I'm asking you as a person who loves her wife more than anything, to please, help us have a baby." I said, finishing with a sigh. We locked eyes for maybe ten seconds. And then I saw it. I saw it in his eyes. He has made a decision.

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