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Tobin POV

I heard screams from downstairs so I rushed down to see what was happening.
"What? What's wrong? Are we ok?" I asked. I got to the bottom of the steps to see Alex and her mother hugging tightly.
"Yeah Tobs, we're fine." Alex laughed.
"Oh hello Tobin!" Mrs. Morgan rushed over to hug me. I reciprocated it and smiled.
"Hi Mrs. Morgan how are you?" I asked as we welled over to the living room to sit on the couch.
"Oh I'm great actually. I just joined the gardening club in town, so much fun. Those women are so nice, we're going out to lunch tomorrow." She said. I smiled, and told her how great that was.
"So how's that band?" She asked as she patted my knee.
"Great as well. Recording some new stuff, and going back on tour soon." I said.
"Excuse me?" A voice from the kitchen said. Alex came walking out with some coffee for us all.
"You're going on tour? When we're you gunna share this Tobs?" She asked. I looked between them.
"Tomorrow?" I said with a smile.
"Mhmm." She said. "How long?"
"One month max" I said. She shot me a glare, saying we'd talk later.
"And how is that new teaching job?" Alex's mom asked, defusing the tension, which was greatly appreciated.
"Oh my god mom I love it." Alex said as she sighed with happiness.
"Oh I remember you had wanted to be a teacher since you were about five." She laughed, "You'd invite all the neighbors and line up your stuffed animals, over and you'd teach them whatever you knew." We all laughed.
"Yeah it's perfect, I'm teaching softmores and juniors history, and it's perfect."
"Well I'm so happy for you dear." She said patting Alex's knee. I picked up my cup to take a sip of coffee.
"So then, when are you two giving me grandchildren?" She asked. I choked on my coffee, spitting it back into the cup. It then looked pretty unappetizing, so I put it in the table. They looked at me so I flashed a nervous smile.
"Um, well, I was hoping sometime soon, maybe." I said, semi telling, semi asking. Alex smiled.
"Yeah, I wanna get settled in at work first, apparently we have to wait for Tobin to be off tour," she shit me a look, "and then we'll probably start looking for a doner." She said.
"Have you guys made any decisions?" She asked. We both nodded.
"Yeah, I'm going to carry, because it'd be easier for me to work with a baby than it would Tobin." We smiled to her.
"Well I can't wait! I'm so excited for the both of you." We talked for a hour or two more, until Alex's mom had to get home.
"Thank you so much for having me over girls." She said hugging us at the door.
"Please, thank you for coming Mrs. Morgan." I smiled.
"For god sakes Tobin, call me Pam, you're not in high school anymore." We all laughed and Alex and I watched her get in the car and waved her goodbye. We started silently cleaning up the table when she spoke.
"Thanks for covering and telling my mom we were gunna have a kid soon. I know we haven't talked about it that much and you're not ready...so thanks." She said shyly. I took her wrists to stop her, causing her to put the mugs down. She turned to look at me.
"Alex, I meant it. I'm ready to have a kid with you. I knkw I haven't been ready for a while, but now I am." I smiled.
"You're ready?" She asked, almost afraid of my answer.
"I'm ready." I whispered. She smiled and launched herself into my arms.
"We're gunna have a kid!" She yelled.

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