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Alex POV

I unlocked the door and walked inside.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled into the house. A second later they came rushing towards me with open arms.
"Alex honey we've missed you so much!" My mom said.
"I missed you guys too."
"It's so good to have you back in New Jersey."
"Yeah well, it's gunna be a fun summer." I said.
"Hey don't I get a hug?" Brianna walked in carrying her luggage and hugged my mother.
"Brianna, so good to see you again." My father said.
"You too Mister Morgan." She shook my father's hand.
"Why don't you girls go put your stuff in your room." My mom said.
We went up and unpacked then talked to my parents for a while.
"Babe I'm gunna run to the store, do you need anything?" She asked.
"No I'm alright, I was actually gunna go catch up with the girls." I said. She nodded and kissed me on the cheek. I went to my car and drive to Hope's house where we said we'd meet up.
"So how's Bri?" Christen asked.
"Uh she's alright." I said.
"And you?" Hope said.
"Fine." I answered.
Ali walked over to the stereo and turned the music off.
"Alright, spill it Morgan. What's going on, you've been acting weird since the concert." She went quiet before gasping in hard.
"The concert!" She said.
"What concert?" Christen asked.
"We went to go see Youthful Exuberance." My friends' eyes widened.
"Was it the..." Ali asked. I nodded my head.
"Tobin dedicated a song she'd written, obviously to Alex, about their breakup."
"And..." I started.
"And? There's an and? What's the and?" Ali asked.
I told them the entire story. From getting hit with a door, to the doctor, to the club, to what she said when she dropped me off.
"Damn." Hope said.
"This probably won't help, but I always though Tobin was good for you." Christen said.
"But she cheated on her." Ali responded.
"How do you know those were true. Tabloids lie all the time." Hope said.
"Well what are you thinking Alex?" Christen asked.
"It's...complicated. I don't know, Tobs...Tobin is, what's she is. I know her I have history with her. But Brianna's never done anything to make me wanna leave her."
"Well Lex, it's not that you don't wanna be with Bri, it's that you WANT to be with Tobin." Hope said.
"I'll admit, it was, fun spending that night with her." I felt a smile grow across my face.
" you still love Tobin?"
"What? No no of course not."
"Alex?" I groaned.
"I think it was 3am on a Friday night in June when I was lying in Brianna's arms and I thought, i I'm still in love with her. You know? I missed her. I missed how safe I felt when her strong arms wrapped me in a hug. I missed how it felt to rest my head on her shoulder. How it felt to fall asleep with her. I missed what her hoodies smelled like. How they were so warm and fuzzy and a bit big for me. I missed the way she'd lift my chin so I'd look in her eyes. I missed seeing myself in her sunglasses and pulling them down so I could see those deep brown eyes that could either stare into my soul or look right through me. I missed kissing her. I missed the electricity I felt when our lips touched. I missed feeling her hand on my hips. I missed the way they burned in a good way. I missed her laughing and seeing the happiness in her eyes. I missed her singing at the most random times. Singing with me, for me, to me, even when she didn't think I could hear her. I missed the way she made me feel happy. But then I remembered the heartbreak. I remember counting the hours of sleep I lost to her. I remember waking up at night and just wanting to be with her. I remember wondering where she was and who she was with. I remember being jealous. I remember the clenched fists and gritted teeth. The goodbyes. The hurt, the pain. But then when I saw her and she put her hand on my head, all that washed away. When she made her stupid jokes. And furrowed her brow when she got a bit annoyed. When she smiled at me and she stole glances when she didn't know I could see her. I didn't miss any of those things because in that moment I had the chance to get it back. She could've been mine again. And I thought, i ok maybe I'm falling for her again, but maybe this time it won't be so bad."
My friends all just kinda stared at me.
"Lex, I think you might be in love." Hope said.
"No guys it's too late now. She's dating that girl Brooke and I still have Brianna."
"Lex you can't sacrifice your happiness for-" I cut Christen off.
"I'm not, this is the right choice." My watch beeped.
"Guys I have to get home, I'll see you tomorrow?" They all nodded and I left. I got in my car and started to drive home, but then I got an idea. I took a quick right and made my way to the beach. The lifeguards were off duty so I climbed the lifeguard chair and took a seat. I sat to the right over looking the beach and the ocean.
"I think you're in my spot." I heard a voice say and felt someone sat down.
"I don't think-" I stopped when I turned around.
"I didn't think you'd ever come back here." I said.
"Please, Jersey's my home, couldn't stay away too long." Tobin put her head back and then looks out over the waves.
"So how long you here for?" She asked.
"The summer," I said. "Then back to Cali." She nodded her head.
"You?" I asked.
"The summer at least." She gave me a small smile. I almost smiled back, but then I thought about Brianna. This want right.
"Stop doing that." I said.
"What am I doing?" She smirked.
"You know exactly what you're doing!" I stood up. "In fact I bet you do it all the time. You give girls that, that..." I struggled to find words as her smile grew and she raised her eyebrows and almost laughed. "You give them that look, and expect them to fall for you. Well it's not gunna work with me, so get over it." I climbed back down the lifeguard stand and made my way back to the car. I felt her eyes on me the whole time. I got in and leaned my head against the steering wheel.
"Well now what?" I said.

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