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Alex POV

The next morning I woke up in Tobin's bed. I was wearing one of her tees, but she wasn't next to me. I got up and walked to the kitchen.
"I just, don't understand why you're doing this." I stopped in my tracks. She was talking to Brooke.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I know this is really a dick move, and you probably think I'm an asshole, and you have every right to, but I just can't be with you anymore." She said.
"Can I ask why?" She said.
"Well, do you want the comforting lie, or the painful truth?" That caught me off guard.
"I get it." She said.
"But, Tobin? I really did love you." I'll be honest, that made me kinda sad.
"I know. I'm really sorry this went down the way it did. Hey, if you ever need a favor, or a friend, anything, just find me, alright."
"I might take you up on that." I heard the two of them get up. I peered around the corner to see them in a hug. Tobin let go and started to walk Brooke out. Not wanting to be seen, I ran back to Tobin's room. I heard the front door close, so I walked out.
"Hey there." Tobin said.
"Hi." I smiled and hugged her. We walked into her kitchen when all the sudden her closet door burst open.
"Man! That was one uncomfortable situation!" Ash said as her Kelley and JJ emerged from the closet. Tobin and I took a few steps back, I thought I was gunna have a heart attack.
"Guys what the fuck!" Tobin yelled, out of breath from being scared.
"Sorry." JJ said.
"Hey Alex." Kelley said giving Tobin a look. I waved back and Tobin slugged her in the arm.
"Well now that you've scared the shit out of me, make me breakfast." Tobin laughed.
"Orrrrrrr, we could just go get breakfast somewhere." Ash said. We all nodded and agreed so, in pajamas, we piled into Tobin's car.
"Why does the girlfriend get to sit in the front?" JJ asked, doused between Kelley and Ash.
"Technically, I'm not even her girlfriend." I said.
"Because-" Tobin started but then stopped herself and whipped her head around to look at me.
"What?" She asked.
"BUUUURRRRNNN!" Ash yelled from the back.
"Well you never asked me to be your girlfriend, and since we're starting over..." I said with a sly grin. She got it, and returned the smirk.
"Alright Morgan, I see how you're gunna play this." She gave me a wink and then started to drive.we ended up going to the Avon Pavilion, a restaurant on the boardwalk. We sat down and ordered and had just started to eat when JJ said something.
"Tobin, I think we got eyes on us." She turned around to where JJ was looking and sure enough there was a black van with three big guys with cameras coming out.
"Shit." She mumbled.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"Well, one of they can confirm we're back in Jersey they'll never leave us alone, and two, I don't want them coming after you." I smiled at her caring for me.
"I've got a plan." We stood up and followed her. She led us to the edge of the boardwalk. I looked over the rail. It was about 7 feet down.
"Alright." She said as she started climbing over the rail. Her friends did the same thing and jumped down.
"Cmon." She said with a smile. She took my hand and we jumped down together.
"Now what?" Kelley asked.
"Hide under the board walk." We walked under the boardwalk and hid for maybe 20 minuets.
After some hiding, disguising, opening and sneaking, we finally got back to Tobin's place.
"Man did you see that guys face when you 'borrowed' his hat?" Kelley laughed. We were rehashing today's events.
"Yeah," Tobin took of the guys hat that she was still wearing. "I think I'll keep it, looks good on me." She laughed.
"Sure." I said. That was followed by her friends freaking out about me "burning" her.
"Hey you know what we haven't done in forever? Played down at Darcy's." Tobin said with a smile.
"What do ya think? Surprise concert?" She asked. All her friends nodded so they loaded up her car and drove their. When we got there it was about 4:30. We walking in and Tobin went right for the bar.
"Gimmie a beer man." The guy behind the bar had tall black hair and his back was turned.
"Gimme a plea-" he turned around and saw Tobin.
"Tobin fucking Heath. What are you doing back here you asshole!" He pulled her into a hug.
"Good to see you Ant. How would you feel about a little show?" She asked. He agreed and helped them set up. As people came in, they were all surprised to see the band, they were very fond of them, but didn't think they'd ever see them live again.
"How we doin tonight?" She said into the microphone.
"It's good to be back, I missed this dump, and the crappy people too." Everyone cheered and laughed.
"Alright, now living in this town, I'm sure we all know Vinny? Or Mr. Vincent Jones?" She said with fake seriousness. Everyone agreed, weather it was happy agreeing or not.
"Alright, well he was and is a great man. He was there when I needed him, so this song is for him." The audience cheered again and they started to play.

I was down at the New Amsterdam staring at this
yellow-haired girl
Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-
haired flamenco dancer
She dances while his father plays guitar
She's suddenly beautiful
We all want something beautiful
I wish I was beautiful

So come dance this silence down through the morning
Cut up, Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances
Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones

Believe in me
Help me believe in anything
I want to be someone who believes

Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales
Stare at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you. Ah, no, no, she's looking at me."
Smiling in the bright lights
Coming through in stereo
When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely

I wanna paint my picture
Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray
All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful
Gray is my favorite color
I felt so symbolic yesterday
If I knew Picasso
I would buy myself a gray guitar and play

Mr. Jones and me look into the future
Stare at the beautiful women
"She's looking at you.
I don't think so. She's looking at me."
Standing in the spotlight
I bought myself a gray guitar

i I saw her hold her guitar higher, which I just realized, wasn't the red one she played three years ago.

When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely

I want to be a lion
Everybody wants to pass as cats
We all want to be big big stars, but we got different
reasons for that
Believe in me because I don't believe in anything
and I want to be someone to believe

Mr. Jones and me stumbling through the barrio
Yeah we stare at the beautiful women
"She's perfect for you, Man, there's got to be
somebody for me."

i As I watched her sing that line she looked over to me and sent a wink my way. I blushed. I felt like a fan girl falling for a superstar.

I want to be Bob Dylan
Mr. Jones wishes he was someone just a little more
When everybody loves you, son, that's just about as
funky as you can be

Mr. Jones and me staring at the video
when I look at the television, I want to see me staring
right back at me

i She pointed to her chest and the audience cheered as she said this line.

We all want to be big stars, but we don't know why
and we don't know how
But when everybody loves me, I'm wanna be just
about as happy as I can be
Mr. Jones and me, we're gonna be big stars...

The sound faded out and the audience cheered. They played a few more songs before finally thanking the audience and saying goodnight. Anthony said they could leave their instruments here over night so we got in Tobin's car and she dropped her friends off.
"Now for you." She said as she started the car again.
"Toby I don't wanna go homeeeee." I dragged out. She glanced over to me.
"Who said anything about going home?" She gave me a smile. I didn't know where she was taking us. We drive in darkness until we pulled up to a large concrete building.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"A place." She said getting out of the car.
"Real helpful." I got out and followed her around the building to this fence.
"The Avon pool." She said. The fence was about six feet tall.
"How to we get over?" I asked.
"We climb." She said. She helped me up and over and then followed. We got to the pool deck and stood at the edge.
"We didn't bring suits." I said.
"Don't need em." She cocked an eyebrow. I smiled at her and lifted my shirt, revealing my white bra. The shirt passed over my eyes and I saw Tobin looking back at me.
I lifted her head by her chin, "Eyes up here." I joked. She laughed and started taking her clothes off.
"Ok, now-" I started to speak but was cut off when Tobin grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into the pool with her. We plunged under and I could feel her laughing behind me. We both came up laughing.
"Thanks." I said.
"My pleasure." She mocked. I leaned in and kissed her as she backed me up to the wall. My arms around her neck, hers at my waist. I pulled back to feel her breath on me. My hair, wet from the water framed my face and as she brushed a piece behind my ear she whispered, "You're so beautiful." I smiled and hugged her. I wrapped my legs around her waist and buried my face in her neck.
"Don't let go." I whispered.
"Wouldn't dream of it."

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