Dress Disaster

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Alex POV

"Tobin! Tobin! Have you guys heard the criticisms on the new album?"
"Are you guys worried about shows being cancelled?"
"Do you think your label with dump you?" I watched the tv as reporters swarmed Tobin and the band. They started going on mini tours. Not too far for not too long. She was only going to be gone for a week, which is a week too long in my opinion.
"We've heard em, but we're not gunna do anything about it. If parents don't want their kids to hear it, then don't buy it for them." They pushed to ask more questions, but they kept walking, hoods down, sunglasses up. I turned the tv off and walked into mine and Tobin's room. When she was gone I liked to just look at her things lying around, letting me know she'd always come back. I looked to her nine, yes nine, guitars hung around the wall. Each accompanied by a picture of her playing them in their "era". A dark green from when she first started playing. A deep purple one, the one her dad gave her. A royal blue one that she and the band played their first show at Darcy's with. A classic, bright red one, the first new guitar she ever got. An orange one, a gift from Ash. A black one, the one the label bought her. An all white one, given to her by a fan. A grey one she bought herself after their first big tour. And the one she uses now, a pastel yellow one, a guitar I bought her for her birthday back in high school, and her favorite one I might add. I heard the door click open and scurried out of the room. I looked down the long hallway to see Tobin putting her bags down by the door. I ran as fast as I could making as little noise as possible and jumped on her back. Not expecting it, she fell to her knees.
"Woah woah, Lex can you wait till I'm ready?" She chuckles. I plant kisses down her neck and the side of her face.
"I missed you!" I yelled."
"Missed you more." She responds. She turns over so she's sitting on the floor with me in her lap.
"So how was it?" I ask.
"Alright, but would've been better if you were there. God when we leave it's like the longest week of my life." She sighed.
"You're preaching to the choir babe." I smiled and gave her a small kiss. We talked about the trip for a little while and then called our friends over to plan the wedding. We sat around the table for an hour planning.
"Ok, ok, so let me just go through the run down, we're gunna have the wedding in the gazebo, on the pier, overlooking the ocean. It's gunna be super small, like 30 people. We have engagement photos one the 16th. Oh and the band, let's get a band. I mean, we'll play one or two songs, but I don't want them playing all night." She gestured to her friends. I nodded.
"Yup, that all sounds good. So did you have a band in mind?" I asked.
"Yeah actually, the Bailsmen. They're a jazz band." She said with hopeful eyes.
"Alright, I'll see what I can do." I smiled.
"So Ali, Hope, Christen and I are gunna go look for wedding dresses, ok?" I asked.
"Sounds great." She smiled. She leaned over to kiss me.
"I love you." She said.
"I love you too." I smiled. I got my coat and shoes and my friends and I left. We drove to a little boutique a few blocks away. I tried on maybe nine dresses, each one was pretty, just not perfect. My friends waited for me to try the next one on. I looked in the mirror of the dressing room. This dress was, the one. Long, flowy, sleeveless with lace at the bottom, it was everything I wanted. I walked out and my friends turned to look at me. For a second they just stared.
"You look gorgeous." Christen gaped.
"Oh my god Alex." Hope said.
"Is this the one?" Ali asked. I nodded and they all squealed. I woman with long blonde hair walked up to us.
"Wow you look so beautiful! If I knew you I'd cry." She smiled.
"Well I'm Alex Morgan, cry like a baby." I joked.
"I'm Mindy Carlson." She smiled.
"Have you found your dress yet?" I asked, making conversation.
"Oh no these dresses are all amazing but there's no way I could afford one." She scoffed.
"Oh I know, I'm just here to figure out what I want, then I'm gunna get it at Irene's, this discount place in Belmar, day after tomorrow they're having a huge sale." I said.
"Wow, thanks for the tip." She smiled.
"So when are you getting married?" I asked.
"Oh I'm not, I just like to try these on." She joked.
"I do the same thing!" Christen said while chuckling.
"I, I was kidding, I'm getting married June 18th." She said. Christen's eyes widened before she came in with a save.
"Oh I'm kidding too! I'm getting married in November." She laughed, as did I.
"So when are you getting married?" Mindy asked turning to me.
"May 7th." I smiled.
"Ooh it's getting close." She said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'm probably overstating here, but I'm getting married to Tobin Heath." Her eyes widened.
"No way!" She said.
"I know!" I somewhat squealed, "I just like telling people that!" I said.
"And rightly so! Wait, if you're marrying a sensation, why don't you buy your dress here?" She asked.
"Ah, Tobin can be a real stickler with money." I say.
"Ahh." She responds.
"Oh so who's your band? Is it them?" She asked.
"No, Tobin said she didn't want it to be them so they weren't playing all night. But she said she wants the Bailsmen." I said.
"Ugh you're lucky, my fiancé wants the power metal band Dragonforce." She said. We all laughed. Just then a woman came walking by, dress in hand. Christen stepped out in front of her.
"Oh you know what, don't buy that here, now that you know what you want you should go to Irene's and you can get it half off! This place is so overpriced" She smiled. The woman cocked an eyebrow at her.
"I own this store." She said. Christen just stood there.
"So does this come in another color or..." The woman walked away.
"Good day Chris?" I asked. She glared at me and I laughed. We finished up at the store and went home, needed to rest up for the sale! The next few days came and went and soon enough the four of us were standing outside Irene's, a crowd of people pushing us to the doors.
"Ok listen up," I say.
"They usually only have one dress in each size, so when they open those doors, fan out." I reached into my jacket pocket for a picture.
"Now, this is what you're looking for, study it, memorize it, know it. When you locate the dress," I reached into my pocket again, "blow on these." I handed the three of them whistles. "Three sharp blasts, when you hear it, come running." They all nodded. The doors started to open and everyone pushed inside. I looked and looked but couldn't find it. I moved from rack to rack with no luck. I was looking through one more when I found it. It was perfect, right dress, right size, everything. I pulled it off the rack but felt a tug in it.
"I'm sorry this one's taken!" I shout to the other side. They pull harder and I go through the rack to the other side. I look up at the person.
"Mindy!" I say happily.
"Alex!" She says.
"This is my dress." I hold it up happily to show her.
"No." Her voice goes flat.
"Yes it is, you saw me wearing it." I said.
"And now you'll see me buying it." She retorted. My jaw fell to the floor.
"Wh- you freak!" I said. "You wouldn't have even known about this place if it wasn't for me."
"Look you don't wanna fight me." She said.
"Maybe I do." I responded. "I'm pretty feisty." I picked it up and blew my whistle three times. I can hear my friends coming and by the time they get to me, I've got Mindy pinned in the ground with her hands behind her back. I toss the dress to Ali.
"Go! Go! Go!" I yell. They start to run but Christen turns back.
"Hey!" She says with a smile when she recognizes Mindy.
"Go!" I say to her and she runs. I jump off Mindy and follow her. We pay as fast as we can and run out of the store. We all drive back to the condo, Tobin had her friends over so we could plan more. I walked in with the dress concealed by a bag.
"Hey hey." Tobin said when she saw us. She got up from the couch and kissed me.
"Hi." I smiled.
"How was dress shopping?" She asked.
"Oh, um," if I told her what really happened, she'd kill me for 'making a fuss', "good, easy peasy."

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