Trouble at the Gazebo

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Tobin POV

The days passed quick. We booked the band, hired a caterer, and took our engagement photos. When we got them back Alex wouldn't stop looking at them. We ended up taking them on the beach. She was picking which ones to send out with her friends when she called me over.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Ok, so we definitely want these three," she said showing me three pictures. One was with Alex on my back, both of us smiling and laughing. Another was us standing side by side holding hands. She was turned in kissing my cheek as I looked upward. The last was us sitting on a jetty, hands intertwined, smiling at the camera.
"I don't know which to pick for the last one." She showed me three more pictures. I looked over them, and pointed to one.
"I like this one." It was us sitting on the jetty again, me laughing at something and Alex looking up at me smiling. She was leaning against me as I threw my head back and laughed.
"You got it." She smiled.
Weeks chock full of planning passed until it was April 30th and there was a week til the wedding.
"Tobs cmon! We gotta go clean up the gazebo!" Alex called from the door. I threw on shoes and a jacket and followed her out the door.
"Oh I love this gazebo." She said as we started walking.
"Yeah, I know. It's huge." I said as we turned onto the boardwalk.
"I remember our first date when we-" she suddenly stopped talking. I followed her eyes and had a similar reaction. The 30 foot tall gazebo was being torn down. A few men were scattered around moving cinderblocks away. Alex went running over to them.
"Excuse me! Excuse me! Sir, what's going on?" She asked.
"The town ordered the gazebo to be torn down, said their building some kind of kiosks." I looked up into it. The roof had already been torn off and what remained was the beams supporting it and the wood awnings around.
"But you can't tear this down, we're getting married here in a week.
"Well, we already kinda started sweetheart." He said.
"Lex, hey everything's gunna be alright." I said, although I myself was freaking out.
"How how is it gunna be alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm working in it." I said.
"I need to call Kelley." She said. As usual Kelley has been keeping the wedding planning civil. She walked away on the phone.
"How, how is this happening?" I asked the guy.
"Listen, I'm just the guy who tears it down, I don't know about anything else." I spoke to him for a few more minutes before Alex came back.
"Hey Lex, so I'm thinking we might be able to find a new place in time to have the wedding." I said.
"We don't have to." She said.
"What did Kelley already have a place?" I asked.
"No, but we were talking and she knew how upset I was, so she suggested we just put the wedding off for a bit." She shrugged. I turned to face her.
"She said what?" I asked.
"Well she said if I'm not gunna be happy getting married in somewhere we can find in a day, then we should just postpone it." I let out a sigh.
"Lex, I don't wanna postpone our wedding, I mean this took so much time and effort, we can't jut put it off."
"Tobin, anywhere half decent will have been booked by now, don't you understand that? This is our wedding I'm talking about, I want it to be perfect." She said.
"The only thing I understand is postponing it isn't an option. This is when we're getting married." I said. She sighed out. By now we had walked away from the construction workers.
"So what are you saying Tobs? It's now or never?" She asked.
"No I'm saying it's now." I said.
"Or?" She asked.
"There's no 'or' Lex."
"Ok, Tobin, it's not that simple, and if you don't understand how important this is to me, then maybe we shouldn't be getting married at all." She said. She started to storm away.
"No, Lex. Lex! Alex!" I called, but she kept walking. I was angry. Sure I had to talk to Alex, but there was one person I needed to have a word with first. I started to walk fast in the direction of my old house. I jumped up the steps and opened the door without knocking. I looked around until I saw Kelley in the living room.
"Hey Tobs." She said with a smile.
"So Kel, I hear you had a little chat with Alex." I said. She smiled.
"Yes I did, and you're welcome." She smiled.
"Am I?" I asked.
"And she tells me it was your idea to postpone the wedding." I said. She fidgeted uncomfortably.
"Hey, since you're the fix it lady today, here's a pickle. What do you do when the bride says she doesn't wanna have the wedding, at all?" I asked.
"Wait she said that?" Kelley asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Why?" Kelley asked standing up.
"I don't know, she just flipped out. I told her it was stupid to postpone the wedding because the venue was gone, and then she went nuts." I said.
"Wow." Kelley said. "If possible, you're even dumber than I am." She looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"How long have you been planning this wedding?" She asked.
"I don't know a few months?" I said.
"Alright Tobs, Alex has probably been planning it since she was five. That's what girls like her do. They dream about the perfect wedding, at the perfect place, with the perfect four tiered wedding cake with little people on top. But the most important part, was that she had the perfect person to share it with. Who understood how important all that other stuff was.
"I never thought about it like that." I sighed out. I turned to Kelley and dragged her by the wrist.
"Cmon, we're gunna fix this." I said.

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