Nice To Meet You...Again

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Tobin POV

The house hadn't changed much. Still big and beautiful. I looked up to Alex's window and smiled at the memories. I felt her tug on my hand.
"Cmon, you'll be fine." She kissed my cheek.
"By the way, your mom knows I'm coming, right?" I ask. She just gives me a nervous glance.
"Lex! You're just gunna spring this in her?" I ask outside the door.
"Tobin, will you trust me? There's a method to my madness." She said ringing the doorbell.
"Or just madness." I mumble. I heard Alex's mom unlock the door.
"Oh Al-" she stopped when she saw me.
"Oh, this is a surprise." She said.
"Hi Mrs. Morgan." I said extending a hand to her. She looked at it for a second and then took it.
"Hello Tobin." She gave me a small smile.
"Well, would you guys like to come in?" She says. Alex responds with a nod and pulls me in.
"Oh mom I love what you did with the dining room!" She said.
"Oh thank you dear, it took me six months, but it was well worth it." She leads us to the living room and we sit in the couch.
"So Tobin, I hear you've been doing quite well lately?" She says. I started to respond but Alex cut me off.
"Oh don't even get me started." She puts a hand on my knee.
"We can't walk down the street without someone running up and asking for an autograph. I can't turn on the radio with one of her songs coming on." Alex rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled down at her.
"Oh yes yes, I love your song coming over, it's my favorite." She giggled.
"Oh yeah yeah." I smiled and glanced at Alex.
"Actually, that song is about a few years ago, Alex and I got into a bit of a fight, and I just needed to see her and tell her how sorry I was. So I climbed the vines on the side of the house up to her balcony and window sill and just started playing until she came out. And now that I'm thinking about it, maybe you aren't the one I should be telling this to." I laughed and so did the Morgans.
"Listen, Tobin dear, I know we didn't quite get off to the best start. I was just afraid that, well this will sound stupid, but that Alex wouldn't be provided for." She hung her head.
"I understand, in retrospect, I can see why you didn't want me with her."
"But I'm glad you are." I smiles back at her.
"Thank you Mrs. Morgan, that, uh, that means so much."
"So, do you think we could maybe have a private playing of coming over?" She asked.
"Oh I don't know, Alex has to listen to me play all day." I laughed.
"I don't mind, I haven't hear this song since senior year." She smiles. "Ooh and I still have one of your guitars here." She spirits upstairs and is back in record time. I thank her and start playing.

Is it alright if I come round
Is it too late if I come now
Would you stay up to figure this out
Some way
If I stay here would you come back
If I stay cool would you be mad
Would you want me if I want you
That way

Cause all I can think about is coming over, coming over
All I can think about is coming over, coming over
All I can think about is coming over, coming over

Both Alex and her mom started to sing along

Is it alright if I come round
Is it too late if I come now
Would you stay up to figure this out
Some way
If I stay here would you come back
If I stay cool would you be mad
Would you want me if I want you
That way

Isn't it strange that every time
I look at your name I'm suddenly high
For you to feel the same I would do almost anything
I'd give away this, give away that
All of my shoes and all of my hats
All I need's you and a bit of music

Cause all I can think about is coming over, coming over
All I can think about is coming over, coming over
All I can think about is coming over, coming over

After a while we made our way to the dining room to eat lunch.
"Ugh mom, I can't tell you how much I love this. I think we should do this to our dining room Tobs." I look up at her. Her mom looks at both of us.
"Our?" She says.
"Oh yeah, Tobin and I bought a condo together." She says putting her hand over mine.
"Wow Alex, could you be more casual?" I whisper.
"That's wonderful dear, I'm so happy for you two!" She says. I sit in shock as Alex's mom congratulates us a bit more.
"Hon are you ok?" She asks.
"Yeah, just, thank you for being so compassionate Mrs. Morgan." I say. We sit and talk with her for about two and a half hours. Eventually we had to go. I opened the door for Alex and before I could get to far Mrs. Morgan stopped me.
"Tobin, please just, take care of my little girl." She says.
"There's nothing else I wanna do." I say. She pulls me into a hug and after I bid her farewell and meet Alex in the car.
"Hey, so I was thinking. Our old furniture doesn't really go with the new apartment. So, we could either buy new furniture, or paint the place." She says.
"Paint." I respond starting the car.
"Yay! That's what I was thinking!" She squealed and I laughed.
"So can we start tomorrow?" She says.
"Uh oh, are you gunna go all home improvement monster on me?" I laugh.
"Shut up. On e time!" She groans.
"Yeah, we'll start tomorrow, as long as you keep a level head." I say taking her hand.
"I will." She nods.
"Promise?" I ask looking at her. She hesitates.
"Leeeexxx." I drag out.
"Fineeee. I promise." She grumbles before sitting back in a chair.

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