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Tobin POV

"Alright, what about 2763?" I asked.
"No, Tobs he looks nothing like you." She said.
"Yeah but look at this, a 1450 on his SATs, helps out the homeless and-"
"Tobin, he couldn't look any less like you. He's got red hair, green eyes, freckles, Tobs I want our baby to look like us." She said flipping through pages.
"Ooh, 8254?" She said.
I didn't say anything for a second, "Lex, did you read all the way through?" I asked.
"Why?" She said.
"Lex he's a statistical analyst, that's literally the most boring thing I've ever heard." I said.
"Because your job is so cool?" She asked. I turned to look at her.
"Don't even." She said, "I heard it as soon as I said it." She said without looking up. I stifled a laugh and turned the page.
"I got it, 3846." I said proudly.
"Good, good, goo-" she cut herself off.
"Oh, except he majored in puppeteering at the university of Connecticut. Puppeteering. Seriously?" She asked.
"I was kind of hoping you'd miss that." I laughed. "Hey maybe our kid would have a huge imagination then." I said. She rolled her eyes, but smiled at me.
They called us into the office a second later and we went to see Dr. Carnage.
"So find anyone you like?" He asked.
"No sir." I said.
"Well I've got a few new additions here if you'd like to see." He said. When we had decided to get pregnant, Alex's mom gave us Dr. Carnage's number, he was the son of the doctor who delivered Alex. We agreed to look and he started a slide show of the donors. We were going on our 30th donor and the doctor was obviously getting tired.
"Alright and this is number 8294 he-"
"Wait." I said. I walked up to the screen. He was 6'2'', 173 pounds, he had chestnut brown hair that matched his eyes. He had a sharp jaw, a golden smile, he actually played music, he was a writer, had two siblings, and scored a 1516 on his SATs.
"That's the one." I said turning to Alex.
"He's me." I say.
Alex nods to the doctor. He stands up and gives us paper work to fill out.
"Alright, now he just has to sign papers signing over parenting rights to you." We nodded and smiled. We set up a meeting with him in two weeks. I smiled at the receptionist and went to hold the door open for Alex. What waited on the other side was something I wasn't prepared for.
"Tobin! Tobin! What are you guys doing here?"
"Is everything ok? Is someone sick?"
"Is someone hurt?"
"Is someone dying?"
"Are you having a baby?"
"Is your wife pregnant?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"Did you use a donor?"
"Did someone cheat?"
A swarm of cameras and yelling paparazzi ambushed us. I put an arm around Alex and used the other to give us about a foot of distance from them. I got Alex in the car, and by then I was sick of all the questions. Once I'd shit the car door and walked around to my side, I spoke up.
"It doesn't matter what we're doing here, it's not you, or anyone else's business. So you can all go home and leave us alone." I got in and shit the door. I pulled out of the spot and started to drive away.
"Jesus Christ." I mumbled to myself.
"I'm sorry." Alex said after a few minutes. I turned to her confused and put a hand on her knee.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked.
"I, I think if I hadn't pressured you into having a kid stuff like that wouldn't happen." She said.
"You didn't pressure me." I laughed. "I want this kid as much as you do. And I'm gunna love it as much as I love you." She smiled at me.
"Ok, maybe I'll love you a little more." I said. That got her to laugh as we went home.
"So what's the whole Jeff plan?" She asked.
"Uh I called him. We talked in the phone for a few minutes. And he's coming over Thursday." I said.
"Thursday? That's a little soon. Are you ready?" She asked.
" I think so." I nodded.
"You want me to be there?" She said as I parked the car.
"Of course I do, how else would I do it?" I smiled. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. We walked up the stairs in silence.
"I'm gunna take a nap." She said. I nodded and she hugged me.
"Thank you for today." She said. I nodded against her shoulder. She walked off to our room and closed the door. I sat down on the couch staring into space for a second. Then I reached into my wallet and pulled out a small picture. Cindy had left it when she came by. It was a picture of Jeff, from two or three years ago. I looked at in to a while. I reached over to the table by the couch and picked up a picture of my father and I. I looked between the two for a while. I too the picture of Jeff and put in in the bottom right hand side of the frame. I looked at what I'd done for a second, deciding it was a good idea. I put the frame down and walked down the hallway, passing the calendar that read "JEFF" is big red letter marked on Thursday. I quietly opened the door to our room to see Alex already fast asleep on the bed. I smiled and shut the door. I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I saw her smile.
"You're lucky you came in. I was about to go out there and yell at you for not getting the hint." She smiled as she turned to look at me.
"Well then, it's a good thing we're on the same page." I whispered. She leaned in and kissed me lightly.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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