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Tobin POV

"Who is she?"
"Where did you meet?"
"Are you dating?"
I ran out of the restaurant tugging Alex along by the hand. We ran to my car and I drove away from the swarm of paparazzi.
"Oh my god." She said.
"And the worst part, we can't even go home yet. They'll follow us and know where I live." I said. I pulled into an ally behind a building to wait for a while. I threw my head back and let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"No it's not your fault. I don't even know how they found me. I should be saying sorry to you." I said. She returned my sigh.
"Well, this has been the best date ever." I said. She gave me a small chuckle.
"What are we doing Lex?" I said. She looked at me.
"Like me and you? Like what are we doing together?" She asked.
"No, I mean, what are we doing hiding from the paps, in a dark ally, in my car? I should be able to go out in public with you." I said. I nodded along listening to her.
"If you wanna, 'go public', I'm in." I said. She thought for a second and then nodded her head.
"Ok." She said with a smile. I leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too."
"Actually Lex, that reminds me of something else we need to talk about." I said starting the car.
"What's up?" I looked back at her.
"We wanna go on tour again." She didn't say anything. All I could hear was the tires on the road, the car engine, and her breath. After what seemed like hours she took my hand from the wheel.
"Ok. Then I'm coming with you." She said.
"Are you sure? It's a lot of travel, late nights, you won't see me as much as you think, and, it can get a little crazy." I said.
"I'm sure." She nodded her head.
"As you wish." I said.
"When would we go?" She asked.
"Company said we could re-start on February 7th." She nodded again.
We got back to the house and fell right asleep, but something also felt a little off. The next morning we packed for the tour. It was scheduled for two months, but could always be shortened or elongated.
"So we leave in a week?" She asked.
"Yup." I said.
"Babe are you alright?" I asked. She nodded her head.
"You sure?" I asked. She turned to face me.
"Do you ever feel like the 'spark' in our relationship is gone?" She said. I was taken aback.
"Um, do, do you not love me anymore?" I asked.
"Quite the opposite, I was wondering that about you." She said.
"Lex I love you more than anything." I said.
"Yeah, you say that, but sometimes I just think that, you're passing time with me."
"Lex, you're talking crazy, I love you so much more than I can even begin to tell you. And it's hard right now with the lives we have, but it'll get better."
"I just can't help but think that you think you could've done better." She said.
"There isn't better out there." I said wrapping my arms around her. She sighed and looked at me.
"Have, have you ever regretted us?" She asked.
"Not even for a second." I whispered.
"Sometimes it just feels like that raw, passion and love we had just, vanished." We sat down on the couch to talk about this.
"I don't think it's vanished, so much as, taken the back seat. I mean, when we're the times when we had that raw passion and love? When we first met, our first date, when the band started doing good, when the whole McClave thing happened, when I left, when I came back, when we fought, when we got back together, we had that when big things were happening, and right now, there's not much going on, maybe that's something that we as a couple have to get used to understanding." She nodded.
"Because I still love you with all my heart." I said. She leaned in to kiss me.
"And I love you too." Alex's phone rang and she excused herself to answer it. I pulled mine out to call Kelley.
"Hey how's it going?" I whispered.
"Good, looking good, I got it." She said.
"Perfect. Hey you'll never believe this, we just had a conversation about how nothing big ever happens anymore." I heard Kelley laugh on the other end.
"Seriously?" I laughed back.
"Yeah, boy is she in for a surprise. I talk to you later dude." We said our goodbyes. I heard a shatter from the kitchen. I jumped up to see what it was. I ran in to see Alex's phone on the ground, her hand shaking.
"Lex, what's wrong?" She pointed to her phone.
I picked it up and looked at recent calls.
I looked at it confused.
"Remember when we wanted interesting?" She asked, her voice shaking as tears streamed down her face.
"Well we got it."

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