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Tobin POV

I banged on the door over and over again.
"Lex. Lex. Lex! Let me in, we can't talk if you won't open the fucking door." I said. She opened it and pulled me in. She crossed her arms and looked down.
"Listen, I'm sorry, if I coulda stopped her I would." I got down on my knees in front of her.
"I know." She said without looking at me.
"Lex I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't be." She said.
"She's in custody now, she can't get you." She just nodded.
"Listen, if I coulda stopped her-" she cut me off.
"I know Tobin, but you couldn't have, ok!" I took a step back.
"Lex, I'm sor-"
"And stop apologizing, I never said it was your fault!"
"I'm just trying to be considerate of your feelings Alex." I put my hands up.
"Ok, then why don't you stop asking like Ms. Toughy tough, I can fix anything, and just be there for me. This isn't your fault, don't take responsibility. Stop apologizing and just sympathize with me. Just show me that everything's ok." She let out a long breath. I stood with my hands in my pockets and looked at her.
"You wanna go on a date tonight?" I asked.
"...what?" She asked after a few moments of silence.
"A date. Tonight. Sound good?" I asked again.
"Yeah, ok." She nodded. I walked over and hugged her. She melted in my arms as I kissed the top of her head.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"Not far." I smiled. We drifted through the rest of the day, waiting for night.
"What should I wear?" Alex asked. I licked my head up to look at her. She had on jeans, a white tee, and an old hoodie of mine.
"That's perfect." I said lying back down. She let out a huff, but she didn't really want to change.
"Ok then, I'm ready." She said.
"Then let's go." I got up and took her hand, leading her through the house and out the door.
"Umm, Tobin?" Alex asked as I walked right past my car. I kept dragging her across the street and to the steps of the church across the street from my house.
"We're going to church?" She asked with a laugh.
"No, this church hasn't been running for years, which makes it easy to get inside." I said climbing the steps. I opened the red wooden doors for her and she stepped in. It smelled like dust and books. Alex walked through the archway and down the isle, pews on either side of her. I saw she stare up at the stained glass ceiling, mouth hung open.
"Do you just come in here?" She asked.
"Yeah, just to clear my head, forget about things going on, or just to have a moment where nothing really matters." She nodded.
"I used to do it a lot actually, then, four years ago, I met you. And I didn't need it as much." I smiled at her. She walked up and kissed me.
"I love you." She whispered playing with the baby hairs in the back of my neck.
"I love you too." She smiled.
"And while this is great, it's not the only room here." I took her hands and led her up onto the stage and through the curtains. We came to a small door, which I opened revealing steep steps. I went first holding her hand. We came to the top and instead of there being floors or a normal door, there was a hatch. I unlocked it and flipped it open. I climbed out and turned to help Alex. She stood up and looked around.
"Are we on the roof?" She asked.
"Judging by how you can see the whole sky from here, I'm gunna go with yes Alex, yes we are." I sniffled a laugh as she playfully pushed my shoulder.
"But there's more." I had her follow me until we reached some blankets and pillows and candles sitting on the roof, and a guitar a few feet away.
"You're too much." She said leaning into my shoulder.
"Please," I said, "Anything for my everything." I winked at her. We laid down on the blankets and talked as I pointed out different stars for her.
"It really is beautiful." She said.
"Nothing compared to you darling." I breathed out. She chuckled and cuddled closer to me.
"Hey there's something I wanna show you." I said grabbing the guitar.
"Oooh, new song?" She asked.
"Something like that." She quirked an eyebrow at me.
"I wrote this on the plane the first time I left for a tour. I couldn't stop thinking about you and how I couldn't let you go." I said.
"Ok, ok," she said trying to calm me down, "let's hear it babe." She said. I relaxed and started to strum.

Where can I find the city of shining light
In an ordinary world?
How can I leave a buried treasure behind
In an ordinary world?

The days into years roll by
It's where that I live until I die
Ordinary world

What would you wish if you saw a shooting star
In an ordinary world?
I've walked to the end of the earth and afar
In an ordinary world

Baby, I don't have much
But what we have is more than enough
Ordinary world

Where can I find the city of shining light?
In an ordinary world
How can I leave a buried treasure behind?
In an ordinary world

Baby, I don't have much
But what we have is more than enough
Ordinary world

She smiled back at me.
"You, are dangerously close to perfect." She rated on me. I laughed.
"There's more." I said. She locked herself up to face me.
"That day, I realized that I never wanted to let you go." She smiled again. I put the guitar down to face her.
"Listen, Lex, I almost lost you, a few times. And I've never felt so horrible. I realized that I couldn't let you get away again. I don't want anyone else to kiss you, to be in your arms, to hold your hand, to be the one you love. I don't want anyone to take my place. I don't wanna lose you. And I've been trying so hard to get this right. The right place, the right time, the right way. But, I realized, all that doesn't really matter, because even if I get everything else wrong, I've got the right girl." I saw tears start to brim Alex's eyes.
"I've got the girl who loves me no matter what. Who stuck by me when the odds were stacked against us. Who saw something in me that I had yet to see in myself. And for that, thank you Alex. I love you more than anything in the world." I reached in my pocket and pulled out the box. I got on one knee and held her hands.
"Now this is not a marriage proposal. It's a promise. A promise that one day you'll give me the honor of being able to get down on one knee and propose for real." I mimicked my words from the other night.
"So, what'd ya say babe?" I asked with hopeful eyes. She just sat there for a minute.
"I say that I love you more than anything in the world, and yes Tobin, yes!" She flung herself into my arms, I barely caught her. I felt her start to cry so I held her tighter.
"I'm so happy." She whispered.
"Me too." I said. After a while we'd laid back down watching the stars, Alex strutting her new "bling".
"It's perfect." She said eying the ring.
"Yes. Yes you are." I said. She jokingly pushed me away.
"You're soooooo cheesy." She laughed.
"Thank you." She whispered, barely audible.
"For what?" I asked.
"For all of tonight." She said.
"I should thank you for letting me marry the love of my life." I laughed. She did too and then leaned in to kiss me.
"Yeah, and that's what I'm thanking you for."

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