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Tobin POV

Kelley and I sped through three towns to get to Porta. Luckily there was a parking spot open just down the street. We hopped out and started running down the street. When we got in we ran past the hostess and into the dining area.
"There! That's him!" Kelley whisper yelled. He was in nice clothes, sitting across from a woman in a blue dress. They were holding hands and in the middle of a conversation.
"Ok, and he hasn't proposed yet, because she has no ring on her finger." I pointed out.
"Wow you're good. After this we should solve crime." Kelley said still looking at them. I turned to glare at her.
"Sorry." She mumbled. I let a small smile fill my face and she smiled back.
"Alright, go get." I said. She walked out to their table.
"Uh, excuse me sir, could you come with me please you have a phone call." She said.
"That's odd, why wouldn't they call my cell phone. Um, do you know who it is?" He asked. I watched them.
"It is, you're office." Kelley said.
"Do you know who at my office?" He asked. Kelley turned back to look at me, I shrugged my shoulders.
"Um, Mike?" She said more as a question.
"Oh Mike! Great!" He got up to follow Kelley who looked back at me with a huge smile. They walked back towards me and I started to explain our situation.
"Ok hi hi, so there was a slight mix up at the jewelry store. The ring you're about to propose with was supposed to be saved for me. So I'm gunna need to have that back." I said. He looked at me like I had three heads.
"But but, in exchange I'm willing to trade you this beautiful, more expensive ring." I took the case out of my pocket and opened it to show him.
"Wow, I would trade." Kelley said from beside me.
"Well, it is beautiful but, I'm gunna use this one." He said as he started to walk away.
"No, wait," I looked at Kelley, "see, this is my fiancé, and her heart was set in that ring. You don't wanna break her heart now do you?" I gestured to Kelley.
"Yeah you don't wanna...break a dying woman's heart." My head snapped back to look at Kelley.
"You're dying?" He asked. Kelley looked nervous and then proceeded to cough once or twice.
"Yes she's dying...of a cough apparently." I said.
"Yes and it's my dying wish to have that ring. If I'm not buried with it then my spirt will wander the netherworld for all of etern-" I cut her off.
"Ok that's enough honey!"
"Ah, I don't know." He dragged out. Then he sighed.
"Let me see the ring." He said.
"Great, great." I took it from my pocket again. He looked at both of us.
"Alright I'll do it." He took the ring from my hand and took out a box from his pocket and handed it to me.
"Great, thank you, thank you, thank you, and you," I pointed to the girl at his table, "you are about to marry a wonderful man." She looked at me with utter shock and the guy turned back to me looking not too happy. I didn't know what to say so.
"Hey I'm marrying a dead woman." I pointed to Kelley. His face softened and he put a comforting hand in Kelley's shoulder.
Kelley and I got out of there as fast as possible.
"Ahh, so how do you think you're gunna propose to Alex?" She asked. I don't know, but I know I want her to be totally surprised. It shouldn't even be on her radar. And then, when she doesn't expect it. I'll ask her. I just don't know how to make her think that." I said.
"Oh that's easy." Kelley said, "Just make her think that you never wanna get married." I gave her a look.
"Yeah, just act like marriage is something you don't wanna do." I nodded and thought about it as we drove. I dropped Kelley off and drove home.
"Hey baby." Alex said as I walked. She was sat on the couch flipping through a magazine.
"Hey, what's going on?" I asked sitting next to her.
"Not much." She leaned into me. "Hey look at this dress, what do you think of it?" She said. It was a wedding dress. Just my luck.
"Well uh, what would you need a wedding dress for?" I asked.
"Just for when." She said. This was gunna be hard.
"Lex, you know uh, marriage is just another way for the government to keep tabs on you." I said. She gave me a look.
"Yeah, because you being an international star, they have no idea who or where you are." She laughed. I wasn't too sure what to say.
"Well I mean, it just got me thinking, why would anyone wanna get married?" She turned to me.
"Why? To celebrate your relationship? To solidify your commitment? To declare your love to the world?" I had no words, so I made a noise.
"" I let out.
"Ok, well that's, good to know." She said going back to her magazine, and leaning away from me a bit. Alex and I drifted through the rest of the day. It was relatively normal. Except for me dropping some hints to steer her away from marriage.

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