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Alex POV

I got Tobin's text just after Brianna left. Not knowing what else to do, I said ok. I got breakfast and then started the walk there. What she might say was wracking my brain. Did she wanna get back together? Did she never wanna see me again? I didn't know if I had an answer for either scenario. I walked along the beaten up path, remembering when she took me here and we laid underneath the stars. It was a beautiful memory. I reached the gap between the trees and cloned though. I was met with her sitting on a blanket, looking out to the water. I watched her for a minute. The way she moved. The way she breathed. How she leaned back on her hands and looked up to the morning sky. How she picked s leaf off a near by plant and studied it for a while. Then she threw it over the edge and watched it fall. I guess she sensed I was there and she turned around.
"Oh hey Lex." She stood up and walked towards me.
"Hey." I said. We kind of awkwardly stood there. Glancing at each other then to another direction.
"Uh, why don't you sit down." She said. I followed her over to the blanket and we sat with our legs hanging over the edge.
"Well, how've you been feeling Lex?" She said.
"Um I'm alright, still a little, upset." I said. She nodded and a silence fell over us. Not a comfortable silence like we used to have. This was more awkward.
"Tobin, Brianna saw my room this morning. She thinks I slept with someone." I said looking down.
It was obvious she didn't know what to do, but who could blame her.
"Wow um, Alex I'm so sorry. Did you tell her you didn't?" She said.
"Kinda. I didn't get much of a chance but she didn't really believe me." I said.
"Well Lex, if she doesn't believe you maybe she doesn't deserve you." She scooted a bit closer to me.
"Lex I um, after thinking about last night, I realized that you were right. We both wanted this. This is meant to happen and we shouldn't fight it anymore." She said.
"Tobin that's not exactly what I said."
"But you were right. Alex we've loved each other, we can do it again. We could give it another try."
"But we can't. You were right. I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm with Bri, at least I think I still am, and I heard about you and that girl Brooke. I'm sorry Tobin, I just don't think it's in the cards for us."
"Alex I really like you."
"You don't even know me Tobin."
"Yes I do. I know the way you like your coffee in the mornings. How you have to sleep on the left side of the bed or you can't fall asleep. That you love it when I pull you closer to me. You love it when I whisper songs in your ear when we're going to bed. How you hate clothes on the floor, and I'm sorry about that. How you-" I cut her off.
"That was the old me Tobin. You don't know the new me." I said.
"Well I have the rest of my life to find out." She was making this hard.
"Lex I wanna be with you. And I know you wanna be with me." She held my hands.
"Tobin, getting over you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And I don't think I could do it again." I said. The only problem was, I wasn't over her.
"But what if you didn't have to. What if we weren't gunna break up. You could be with me and not have to get over me Alex."
"I know you Tobin, well enough that I know you couldn't promise something like that." I stood up.
"Alex, how can you just walk away?"
"Because we found love where it wasn't supposed to be. And it's easier to hurt someone else before they hurt you." I turned around and started walking, but I turned my head to say one last thing.
"You should know that."

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