The Name Game

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Alex POV

"Hey, so we're getting close to baby time." I sat down next to Tobin on the couch. It was about noon, which mean the sun was coming in bright from the sliding glass doors leading to our deck, the lighting hitting Tobin's face perfectly. She was reading a book with her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. She chuckled and glanced at me.
"Yeah, yeah we are." I was seven months pregnant at this point.
"So have you been thinking of any names?" I asked bringing my legs under me. She looked at me and then closed her book and took her glasses off. She threw them on the coffee table and sat with her legs crossed facing me.
"Yeah actually, I've got a few." She smiled at me.
"Ok great! Great! I wanna tell you mine!" I grabbed her hands.
"Ok well, what about Michelle?" I said.
"Mmmm, I don't know..." She trailed off.
"Ok, that's alright, it's why we're doing this, what are yours?" I asked.
"Ok, ok well it's a long shot, but if it's a boy, what about Laird? Like the surfer?" She said.
"Tobin, I love you, but I'm not naming our child after a surfer. Plus Laird sounds like some big macho guy who beats everyone up." I said.
"You're just saying no to that because I said no to yours." She grumbled.
"I'm really, really not." I answered.
"Ok, ok, what else ya got?" She said.
"Hamilton?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Absolutely not." She said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I can hear the Alexander Hamilton jokes now." She said.
"I liked the musical!" I answered. She sighed out.
"Ok, Rupert?" I asked.
"Alex, why do you hate our child?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Emma." She said with confidence.
"Absolutely not." I said quickly.
"Why not? What's wrong with that?" She asked.
"Tobin you've had a crush on Emma Watson since you were 17." I said. She slumped down and mumbled an agreement.
"Todd?" I asked.
"We name a kid Todd, and he grows up to be some pretentious lawyer." She said.
"Lawyers make money." I said.
"Name one lawyer who's not uptight." She said. I decided not to answer.
"Duke?" She suggested
"What is our child a dog now?" I asked.
"Like Duke Ellington." She said a bit frustrated.
"Olive." I said.
"I hate olives." She responded.
"Tobin your not eating them." I said, a bit of annoyance shining through.
"Tobin you're not eating them." She said mockingly.
"Oh that's real mature, real mature, I hope our children pick up on that." I said back.
"What about Ethel?" She asked.
"I'm sorry, are we giving birth to a 91 year old?" I asked sarcastically.
"Well you wanted them to be mature." She said, earning yet another eye roll.
"Lesly?" I asked. She paused for a second.
"Huh, I actually kinda like that." She smiled.
"But only if it's for a boy." I said.
"Aaaaaand rejected." She said making a face.
"Taj?" Honestly, what is she even thinking at this point?
"Enough with the surfers!"
"It's the sport of kings!"
"Hanson is the name of the awful pop band from 1997, and Alex, I'll be damned if my child's name comes from awful music." She finished.
"What about Randolph?"
"Alex, our child will get beat up!"
"Yeah by Laird!" I yelled. This was going nowhere.
"This is hopeless." I said.
"Yeah, let's just name em thing one, two and three and be done with it." She said getting up and walking to the kitchen. Despite how upset I was, this still made me laugh.
"Oh do those sound good?" She asked.
"It's more progress than we've made in the past hour and a half." I laughed.
"Then it looks like we're done!" She called back.
"Who knew it was so easy?" I laughed.
"I can see it now. Our Christmas cards will say 'What a merry Christ it will be with things one, two, and three!" She yelled as she ran back into the room and jumped on the couch.

Yo yo yo so I've started writing the new talex story, would you guys want the first few chapters up sometime this week, or should we finish this story first? Thoughts?
Peace out ma dudes✌🏼🤙🏽

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