Chapter 1:

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Readers! A note to you all. The story will specify on the point of view its in until I get lazy enough to not care anymore! Also I dis not make any of the pictures I attach to the chapters! Happy reading!

~no ones pov~

A lot can happen in a year. Peace settled over the land of Hyrule fairly quickly after Ganon was defeated. So fast that Link was able to take a week long nap back in his house at Hateno Village. There were rare moments where monsters would attack, but nothing really changed after that. The hero would go about his days traveling either by foot or horse back helping who ever needed an extra hand.

Except for today.

Today marked one year free of Calamity Ganon's terror. Many were celebrating in their rebuilt towns, but Link was busy hunting as the sun began to hide it's pretty face for another twelve hours, casting oranges, pinks, blues, and purples in the vast and wide sky. Many of the clouds that littered the evening sky were puffy and light. The bright ocean like eyes of the hero narrowed as he crouched in a bush hiding the once reflecting colors that were painting the landscape.

A stag stood in between several trees with a large rack atop of it's head. Broad shoulder's were spaced perfectly to hold up the weight of it all. A smirk etched across the hunter's face as he pulled out a single shock arrow and two normal arrows from his quiver. With a mighty pull and a steady aim toward the neck, Link watched the shock arrow fly from his hands.


The stag cried out as it was shocked, paralyzed from head to toe. The hunter could only smile. I have ten seconds till it runs free! Link launched from his hiding spot and aimed the second arrow. He released watching the second arrow head bury into the brown pelt besides the shock arrow.

Shiza! Once more! He thought before drawing the third arrow. After aiming he released the small string watching the stag collapse to the ground with little grace as the last arrow buried its self in his chest. A direct hit to the heart. Link sighed relieved. That stag had been a nuisance ever since he tried to kill it the first time a few weeks ago.

He silently made his way to the deceased animal retrieving his arrows. After a carving session and a horse ride home, he was back in the village. Hateno knew Link didn't like the attention and only said thank you's once before he retired to his quaint house for the rest of the night. His horse was more than happy to take several apples from her master as he took the saddle off her for the night. The brilliant white horse he grew to love shook her mane happily once the weight was off. He understood completely.

He headed inside and stripped himself to only his undergarments the second he closed his door. He looked to the clock seeing that it was well past midnight. He sighed and scratched the back of his head before going through his bag to pull out the meats he cut from the stag. Surprisingly he got two rare slabs without a hiccup. He clapped his hands together thankful to the goddesses that he was blessed with such fine meat then he got to work.

He rolled his shoulder with ease and began to cut the meats into multiple 6 inch slabs. He hummed a soft tune the entire time until...

Knock, knock, knock!

Link looked to his door confused as he looked at the clock hanging on his wall. It was 3:30 in the morning. Had it really been that long? No one should have been knocking on his door, but what caught his eyes was the small envelope that slid under his door into the kitchen. He placed his cutting knife down and went over to the thing seeing his name written in extravagant hand writing he knew all too well.

He flipped the paper over seeing the bright red wax stamp of a cursive S he had grown to love. He ripped the envelope open and pulled out the well written letter that looked to be on expensive paper. He unfolded it carefully and smiled seeing what he hoped for.

My dear friend,

It has been over a year and I wish to see you sometime soon in the near future. I want to hear all of your stories and especially your battle with Ganon. Come while you have nothing to do.

Yours truly,

Link danced around happy to get a letter for once and not a urgent message for a certain domain in distress. He looked at the meat he was cutting then pressed his hands to his face confused. His stomach felt like it was doing somersaults while his breath seemed to be missing somewhere. He never truly understood the way he felt, but he did know one thing. He was comfortable around his friend.

He put the meat in his storage compartments before heading up the stairs to his bed. He happily flopped down on the box spring bed as he heard a crack of thunder and the soft pitter patter of rain. Without a word, he blew the candles on his nightstand out for another night before rolling towards the wall and falling asleep.

He awoke at noon to the sound of the Bolson Company bickering about what fabric pattern a couch should be. It happens far more than he would like, but it always did tell him what time of day it was. In the morning they would argue about tables, noon obviously couches, and at night they would argue on if they used the right materials on certain nightstands in his house.

He huffed then pushed himself up immediately regretted the decision. The once riveting thought of sleep left his thoughts as the cold air chilled him to the bone. The first sign of the oncoming winter. He rubbed his arms hoping to get warm, but he later decided to just get up and get dressed.

He looked at the letter once more then nodded and gathered his stuff. His cobalt champion's tunic soon had company as he pulled his pants on with it. He grabbed his knights shield and traveler's sword strapping them to his back along with his bag. He pulled on his hylian cloak and exited the house he grew to love. He smiled at the Bolson Company and waved good morning as he placed his horse's royal saddle back on her. With a heave, he pulled himself up onto his ivory horse and trotted off away from home.

Here I come, the hero thought happily with his nerves on edge. His stomach began doing somersaults again as his horse began to gallop along the dirt roads. A smile broke out on his face as his eyes softened. He couldn't wait to see everyone again.

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