Chapter 85:

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~~No One's POV~~

Isa worked with what little time she had, she had gave him the run down of what would happen to him if he fell into the transformation and the after math of it all. He grew worried at the time, the twenty minutes were almost up.

"Hey are you listening?" Isa asked as she snapped in his face.

Lyric blinked and sighed," Sorry, I wasn't."

Isa frowned then pointed at Rohell's leg," You have to be holding the master sword before the blood moon!"

Lyric studied Rohell, the uncanniness of everything seemed off. It was almost like he was supposed to be thinking with the last remaining twenty minutes of his life if everything failed. But that wasn't what was happening, Link's poor innocent daughter risked everything just to come from the future to change everything.

He looked at Isa then took her shoulders," I will let you know this, your father has missed you the entire time."

Tears formed in Isa's eyes before she gave a small smile," I've missed him too."

Lyric wiped the tears from her eyes smiling sadly before hugging her tightly," This will work. Don't you worry."

Isa smiled and hugged back before stepping away from him. She curtsied with grace before she ran out the room to go find Sidon.

As she left the room though Lyric sat in the throne, the orb pulsing brightly before he took his hand off of it. The demon smiled, and looked at the mural of the blank figure slaying the beast. He never understood why, but that mural brought so many memories back. The days where Lyric first destroyed Demise once and for all.

He placed his hand to his chest, his heart beat raging with determination. His cheeks were warming as the time grew closer. He took a deep breath, this was happening. This was his last chance to make things right. He looked at the orb then sighed and stood going over to Rohell. With a snap his face was released from the amber prison causing the half demon to gasp out.

"Let's get down to business. I need your help if you want to have Link back." Lyric stated with determination.

Rohell panted before frowning," What do you need me to do?"

Lyric smiled sadly before pointing to his leg," It involves the master sword."


Isa ran down the main hall, demon maid after demon maid gasped as she ran by. Her golden eyes were wild with joy, her heart thumping as she heard Riju explaining everything to the group behind her. As Isa rounded the corner though she jumped into the air forming an ice step before she launched herself over the large crowd. Gasps were heard as she soared over them, but she didn't stop as she heard her name.

She ran quickly with ease, her stamina no where close to being empty. As her foot landed on the beautiful grey marble though she spotted Yuki. As she passed her Yuki watched with awe before a sense of Deja'vu occured.

Yuki reached for her cloak confused before stopping her self and smiling. She didn't know why, but she knew what had to be done. Yuki giggled and headed immidialty to go get Dialen's petrified state.

Isa though stopped as she finally found someone she didnt expect. Ghirahim stood before her confused before realizing who she was. He took her shoulders before pulling her into a tight hug.

Isa blinked confused," S-Sorry sir. I'm looking for my dad." Ghirahim's lip quivered before he pushed her back.

"Go to the throne room. I'll make sure they get there." Ghirahim stated with a fake smile.

Isa stared at him before extending her pinky finger to him," Pinky swear?"

Ghirahim blinked confused before extending his pinky and wrapling it around hers," I pinky swear?"

Isa smiled misgeviously," Alright! But if you dont keep your word I get to take your pinky!"

Ghirahim's sweat dropped as she headed back to the throne room. His mind confused before he looked at his pinky finger. She wasn't serious... right? He sighed before teleporting to his room to sit for a moment.

As Isa arrived back to the throne room hall, she heard soft chatter. She peaked in seeing that Lyric had freed Rohell completely. Isa's cheeks flushed as she realized that he wasn't quite as tall as before.

Isa had to have been to his shoulders now. Her final growth supert before everything showed the gerudo blood in her, but as she stared at him, the more she realized how wrong it was to be here. She backed away from sight before either noticed her and bit her lip.

What would Yuki and Iblis say if they found out she chickened out last second?

Isa took a deep breath before pulling her purple hood up and over her hair and face. She sighed and walked into the door way, her small shoes clicking on the tile making her self known to the two.

Lyric studied her before motioning her over," Have you done everything?"

Isa nodded, her golden eyes emitting the blue glow to hide her gold. Rohell watched her with curiousity.

"Who is this?" Rohell stated.

Lyric looked at him," She is plan B."

"What is this about a plan?" All three turned to see Zelda and everyone else with Yuki pushing Dialen behind them.

Isa smiled before she looked away and walked to the window curious as her heels clicked.

"Oh don't mind her. She is here in case anything goes wrong." Lyric stated smiling.

"Now, before we do anything. Hello, my name is Lyric and we all want the same goal." Lyric began.

"Which is what exactly?" Zelda whispered.

"For the demons to return to their realm." Lyric stated matter of factly.

Yuki hummed as she pushed Dialen's petrified self into the room," Sir, I brought Dialen."

Lyric went to say something, but stopped and nodded pulling the green vial out. Deja'vu happened for everyone, but Isa as Lyric poured the hissing liquid onto the statue and watching her petrification become undone.

Minutes later her gasps of fresh air made Zelda and everyone smile as she looked at Lyric with tear filled eyes.

"You know I hate it when you do that." She wheezed making Lyric smile and pat her head.

"I don't like it either old friend." Lyric whispered.

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