Chapter 29:

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~~No One's POV~~

Link and Sidon sat the edge of the resevore bed with the stranger sleeping soundly. So far Link could tell that he was foreign. He didn't have the full pointed ears like his own, and had the height close to Sidon's. Shaggy brown hair covered most of the strangers face though and when Link moved it away he saw the most handsome features a man could have. A chiseled jaw line that could slice bread, high cheek bones, perfect nose, etc.

Sidon placed a blanket around Link's shoulders as he stood," I'm gonna go check on Isa. You keep an eye on him."

Link nodded watching his fíance head down the stairs. He sighed then smiled and looked at the sapphire in his hands. The moonlight reflected off of the smooth surface perfectly making his heart swell. He placed it into his bag then looked at the stranger. His eyes were clenched tightly as if he was experiencing something.

Link watch curious eventually seeing the strangers soft lavender eyes open with cloudy confusion. Link smiled and stood happily going to the edge.

"Its good to see you're awake." Link stated smiling.

The stranger looked at him then blinked surprised as he sat up," A hylian? But I thought this was the Zora domain?"

Link nodded smiling," Don't worry. You are. I just happen to be a regular here."

The stranger blinked then looked to the resevore," I see."

Link watched curious," What's the last thing you remember?"

The stranger closed his eyes and hummed," I was travelling through the mountains when I came upon this horse monster hybrid thing. Next thing I knew I was running and when I went to stop I slipped and fell off the cliff."

Link looked at the area he mentioned, so the lynel's back up on Polymus Mountain huh? He clicked his tongue before looking at the newcomer.

"So did you pull me out of the water?" He asked the knight curious.

"Oh no. My..." Link blushed and cleared his throat." My fíance did."

The stranger blinked the smiled," Oh, well I'm glad they did, cause I can't swim at all!" He barked out a laugh causing Link to smile.

"Are you able to get up?" Link asked.

The stranger blinked then slowly moved his legs to the edge of the bed. He slowly pushed himself up causing Link's sweat to drop. He had to have been at least Sidon's height, maybe a foot shorter.

"Wow, you're tall." Link stated surprised.

The stranger chuckled rubbing his neck," Yes. Where I'm from this is the normal height."

Link smiled and stood seeing that he only came to his stomach," what's your name traveler?"

"Rohell Hernandenic. Just call me Rohell." He stated smiling then touched his head and paled looking at the water." Oh don't tell me I lost my antlers?"

"Antlers?" Link asked.

"Yes. When I was a kid my father passed down a head dress of sorts that the heir of the family always received. The fact that I lost it means that If i ever try to go back home, I can't be apart of the family!" Rohell exclaimed taking his forehead.

Link blinked and took his arm concerned," Don't worry, I'll have Sidon look for it."

"Have me look for what?" Sidon stated as he walked back up to where they were.

Rohell's eyes went wide as his eyes met with Sidon's. Link smiled walking over to his fíance.

"Well Rohell here lost his family heirloom when he fell in the resevore. Do you think you could go find it for him?" Link asked.

Sidon smiled and patted Link's head." Of course. I'll be back."

Link smiled watching Sidon lower himself into the water," It looks like antlers okay?"

Sidon nodded before diving under leaving the two alone. Rohell took a deep breath and rubbed his neck surprised still. Link chuckled and took a seat making Rohell do the same.

"Just curious, was that a zora?" Rohell asked.

"Yes." Link stated smiling.

"Are all of them that size?" Rohell questioned pointing to the water.

Link chuckled," Hardly. Sidon there is the prince of the Zora's. The royal's just happen to grow to be exceptionally big."

Rohell nodded at the new information before looking at Link smiling," So are all hylain's as cute as you?"

Link's cheeks flushed as he rubbed his neck," Cute? I don't think I'm cute."

Rohell smirked as he rose an eye brow before he took Link's chin," We'll I beg to differ."

Link scoffed rolling his eyes as he took his face back. Rohell smiled taking Link's hand," What's your name?"


Rohell smiled at his name and bowed his head," Well Link. I thank you and Sidon for being here when I fell. If you weren't here, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that."

Link nodded smiling at him," We'll Rohell, how about instead of going how can I repay you later on, we just call each other friends?" Link stated as he stood offering his hand.

Rohell took it then shook it once smiling," I like the sound of that."

Both smiled, but looked to the edge as Sidon resurfaced with a broad smile holding up Rohell's heirloom, a head band that had a massive rack of antlers attached to it.

Rohell's eyes began to sparkle as he jumped up. His hands instantly reached to the heirloom and he took it away from the Zora before he tackled him into a hug.

"Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!" He cried.

Sidon merely chuckled and patted the new comers back," Well just be more careful next time."

Rohell smiled and released his hug before giving one to Link as well. Link smiled hugging back, but quickly letting go once he noticed how high the moon was.

"Well let's head back down to the domain, get our guest here a room and call it a night." Link whispered.

Both of the giants nodded and the three headed down into the sleeping city.

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